Hi all,
ChronoForm is fantastic I'm think to buy it for my new site, but I have a little problem with the registration form using the CB plugin.
I've created a form with the wizard using the tutorial. The form has about 20 fields.
I've activated the CB plugin and filled the information in the CB field.
The information are saved into the jos_user for the user name and other thing.
I need to save some field in a particular table of my DB.
I've tried to insert the PHP code in the onsubmit before windows inside the cb plugin, but nothing happend.
I don't receive any error, but whe I look inside the table there isn't any information that I have entered.
I've tried to insert just a "echo" to see if the code is called but nothing happends.
The code that I need is like:
Someone can help me?
ChronoForm is fantastic I'm think to buy it for my new site, but I have a little problem with the registration form using the CB plugin.
I've created a form with the wizard using the tutorial. The form has about 20 fields.
I've activated the CB plugin and filled the information in the CB field.
The information are saved into the jos_user for the user name and other thing.
I need to save some field in a particular table of my DB.
I've tried to insert the PHP code in the onsubmit before windows inside the cb plugin, but nothing happend.
I don't receive any error, but whe I look inside the table there isn't any information that I have entered.
I've tried to insert just a "echo" to see if the code is called but nothing happends.
The code that I need is like:
$host = "localhost";
$nome = "root";
$password = "root";
$db = "joomla";
$connessione=mysql_connect($host,$nome,$password); //connessione database
$query_inserimento=mysql_db_query($db,"INSERT INTO jos_chronoforms_reg_storage (text_4, text_5, date_6, text_7, text_8, select_9, text_10, text_11, text_12, select_14, select_15, select_16, text_17, text_18, text_19, text_20, select_21, select_22, select_23, newsletter_check, inf_read, inf_accept, text_29, text_30) VALUES('$name', '$surname', '$birthdate', '$chiplist', '$birthcity', '$gender', '$address', '$city', '$cap', '$province', '$region', '$country', '$email', '$phone', '$mobile', '$codicefiscale', '$team', '$occupation', '$skill', '$newsletter', '$inforead', '$infoaccept', '$user', '$psw')",$connessione);
Someone can help me?