I’m creating a Second Life registration form. In my first step, I’d simply like perform the following steps recursively so a user can determine if a requested name is available:
1. Enter the First Name and select the Last Name (drop down list).
2. Submit the “Is Available” Request.
3. Check to determine if the Second Life name is available.
4. Repopulate the original form with the submitted data.
5. Display an “Available/Not Available” message.
The basic idea is that the same form is repopulated and checks are made any number of times before a user moves onto the actual registration.
I’ve successfully used the SL API using the “onSubmit” (after) code. But I didn’t see where CronoEngine allows me to revert back to the original page for a refresh, if desired. I also tried the “redirectURL” method, but that didn’t work either (possibly a learning curve issue).
I’m sure there’s a simple answer to this “newbee” problem. Your help is greatly appreciated!
1. Enter the First Name and select the Last Name (drop down list).
2. Submit the “Is Available” Request.
3. Check to determine if the Second Life name is available.
4. Repopulate the original form with the submitted data.
5. Display an “Available/Not Available” message.
The basic idea is that the same form is repopulated and checks are made any number of times before a user moves onto the actual registration.
I’ve successfully used the SL API using the “onSubmit” (after) code. But I didn’t see where CronoEngine allows me to revert back to the original page for a refresh, if desired. I also tried the “redirectURL” method, but that didn’t work either (possibly a learning curve issue).
I’m sure there’s a simple answer to this “newbee” problem. Your help is greatly appreciated!