how i can build a web e-commerce with 2 different form registration with cf. here the scenario :
- if someone want to buy my stuff, he must register with group option, personal or corporate. Form for personal user is different with corporate
* sorry with my bad english *
Hi foton,
You are going to need to find some way of identifying the two different groups of users. Joomla has very limited 'group' management capabilities at present (more are expected in Joomla 1.6).
I think that I'd create a table to link Joomla user ids with the special info that you collect for your application - this could include their 'user_type'.
You can then add code in the Form HTMl to check the user_id; look up their user_type and show them the appropriate form.
Hi GreyHead , Iam from Brazil
Where did you post the code?
See my scenario:
I want two differents regiter forms that set usertypes:
(A) If guest users want to register as business theres a form wich set usertype to business
(B) else guest users wants to register as personal theres another form wich set usertype to personal
I dont want to use CB to do this i wan to use the joomla reg plugin on CF but this plugin set default usertype to registered how do i inform the plugin to ignore it?
Just create a hidden field named user_type and there a I Set the value?
Thank for any help
Hi clovismmbr,
Yes that will work OK.
I tend to ignore the Joomla groups and set up my own table of users - I inlcude the Joomla user id and then a second column for their 'application group' that tells me if they are Business or Personal.
I'm new to Chronoforms and could use some hints.
Like the previous posters I would like a visitor to be registered as a different type of user. I have a field in CB already for interest_type. I would like to allow visitors who wish to leave a comment but not fully register to be registered with a given interest_type. This looks like it will work with the example above and a hidden field. I only want to ask them for name, email and a comment so I will need to make up username (possibly email address) and password (random?). What I am not sure about is how to handle repeat comments. If they have already left a comment once and visit the site again I would like them to be able to leave another comment. If they enter the same email address and I try to register that with CB I will likely get some sort of exception. I would like to keep the comment and mask the exception from the user.
Also, I will want to collect the comments somewhere. It appears that Chronoforms is good for this but if there is a good tutorial someone can point me to that would be helpful.
Thank you.
Hi Bob,
It's entirely possible to do a 'blind' registration where you create a username (I last used lastname+first_name+rand999) and password (you can use the Joomla function) and turn new user validation off.
But if they aren't going to login I'm not sure that you need to do that. It might be simpler to hack the code to run a check against the email address of any guest posters and link them up if the address is found.
Not the most straightforward piece of coding either way but entirely possible.
Thanks for your quick response. Cool name, BTW...
Could be there's a simpler way. The end goal is to be able to mass mail to these people as a group. Using CBmailing we have lists set up to mail to various other groups of registered users. To keep things simple from a usability perspective, I would like to use the same tools to mass mail any groups - the ones that registered on purpose and these people who just wanted to leave a comment or question. Any ideas on a simpler solution?
Hi Bob,
I don't know CB Mailing, just took a very quick look and I can't see that it keeps any lists of it's own. If it does then it's usualy possible to add to them, if it relies on CB member lists that it could be messier - does CB have any way of managing unregistered members?
I may have misspoken. CBMailing doesn't maintain its own lists. The lists are actually defined in CB itself and CBMailing provides a facility for mailing using those lists along with permissions controlling who can mail to which lists.
I don't know of a way in CB to handle unregistered users - hence my evil plot to covertly register them. I'm beginning to think maybe I'm making this too difficult. It might be less automatic, but easier in the long run to just keep these guys separate as I did before and periodically bulk load them into CB for the mailing - or just find a different way to mail to them.
Hi Bob,
Hmmm yes, the other mailers that I've looked at both Joomla and external have a way that you can send a url to subscribe. That's very simple to do from ChronoForms. Covert registration feels messy :-(
At the risk of going off-subject can you point me to some examples of using ChronoForms to catch [non-registering] visitors email addresses and comments? In the past I've used DG AJAX Contact Form but am having problems getting it to work properly on Joomla 1.5x. ChronoForms is clearly a better choice in the long run but I'm a little hampered by the lack of comprehensive docs. I'm one of those people who likes to read the manual first (even if it's crap) and then work the tool.
Hi bobbennett,
let me make sure I understand what you need, you need to simply collect some guests emails ? if yes then you need only a simple form with no registration plugin enabled!
then you want to bulk email the users which subscribed through your form ? if yes then you need a simple form with a small piece of PHP code to load the users in the table and send the email to all of them, if my assumptions above and the way i see it is ok for you then let me know and I will show you how to make the "bulk mail send" form!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Yes, exactly! That would be splendid. I have headed down that road, making a contact form and saving data to a table in the db. If you can toss me some hints on mailing those people it would really help me out.
Good, open a new form and add this code in the HTML code box:
global $mainframe;
$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
$mytable = "table_name_which_contains_users";
$query = "SELECT * FROM $mytable";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$mydata = $database->loadObjectList();
$subject = "my subject";
$email_body = "we got your email";
$fromname = "";
$fromemail = "";
foreach($mydata as $edata){
JUtility::sendMail($fromemail, $fromname, $mydata->emai_field_name, $subject, $email_body, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
echo "an Email has been sent to ".$mydata->emai_field_name;
pay attention to change the table name and the
emai_field_namethen save the form and open it once!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
I have a similar question:
A little background info
I have just been hired to create a simple website which is funded by a cross-municipality programme - thus making the development budget very tight, which means, that functional and quick is preferred to clean and correct.
I am about to make a form, where the user signs up for an event, and this form is supposed to do two thing:
1) Email the ones responsible for arranging the event
2) Depending on whether the user has chosen "I am attending as a student" or "I am attending as representative of a corporate business", the user has to be assigned to an appropriate user group.
The only reason for this is, that the ones arranging the event would like to be able to easily send out mails to the user groups. Would it be possible to make CF register the user as "Registered" if the user has chosen "I am attending as a student" and register the user as author if "I am attending as representative of a corporate business" is chosen.
With this simple and quick solution, they would be able to send out mails to one or both user groups, just by using Joomlas Mass mail and selecting either "Registered" or "Author".
This perticular website is lowbudget and expect to have outlived its use a couple of months after the event. Combined with the fact that the user group "Author" haven't been given any extra rights on the website, I don't believe, that this is going to pose a security issue - especially since it is a short term website.
Best regards
Hi Esben,
The answer is 'Yes, I think so'. I've never done it but it ought to be possible. What would be simpler would be just to create a new table with 'user_id' and 'status' columns and use that to drive the mailings.
Simple is good, but I am not sure what you are proposing.
This is also part of the reason why I so far am inclined towards the other quick and dirty solution - I am not sure how/where to do what you are suggesting and what exactly you mean by "use that to drive the mailings".
If, what you are suggesting is implemented, how/from where would they send out the mail?
Hi Esben,
Sorry, I didnt read well emough, Your solution will work more easily with the Joomla Mass Mailer.