yet another front permission pain !!!
that's quiet nothing but I can't release it :
All my connectivity's link are on a simple joomla article.
Only registered people can access to this article so that only registered user can access connectivity.
The trouble is that somebody can copy the link and when He can't register anymore (ie : not member anymore), he can still connect to the connectivity by entering the direct link.
In other words, we can select edit permission but how can we select read permissions ?
thank you
yet another front permission pain !!!
that's quiet nothing but I can't release it :
All my connectivity's link are on a simple joomla article.
Only registered people can access to this article so that only registered user can access connectivity.
The trouble is that somebody can copy the link and when He can't register anymore (ie : not member anymore), he can still connect to the connectivity by entering the direct link.
In other words, we can select edit permission but how can we select read permissions ?
thank you