
Ueer registration form : capcha issue

zwazo 16 Dec, 2008

I have configured a form for the Joomla registration and it works fine. (Version 3)

But... I am facing an annoying behaviour with the capcha : If a user fails to enter the code properly the first time, when re-entered, the code is still refused, even if it is correct.

I have tried toggling "try to republish option" unsuccessfully.

The only way to get it working is to reload completly the form from the menu.

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.
GreyHead 16 Dec, 2008
Hi ZwaZo,

'Try to republish' usually works OK. Is there anything special aout your form? Is it in a module or using the plugin? If so , does it republish correctly if you view it using the link in the Form Manager?

You can set up re-publishing manually by setting the values of each input - there are several (many?) posts on this in the forums here.

zwazo 16 Dec, 2008

I have used the following instructions for the plugin integration :

So no customization with this form.

When using the link from the form manager, is works fine : Retyping the capcha after a wrong attempt works.

FYI, I do not have this behavior in a contact form I have already done as well.

I was initially thinking about a cached text entry but all cache functions are disabled site-wide.

Best regards,

GreyHead 16 Dec, 2008
Hi Jef,

Sorry, I misunderstood your message - must read more carefully. I'm not sure how to deal with this one. I think Max may have posted about it somewhere. The info is stored as a session variable so it should be being saved OK.

Max_admin 16 Dec, 2008
Hi, you mean that it doesn't work with the mambot ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
zwazo 16 Dec, 2008
seems not working properly as plugin yes.
zwazo 16 Dec, 2008

Looks like the same yes,

Strange thing :

From the v 3.0 package, the chronocontact.php was already modified with the additional line code but the chronocontact.html.php was not modified as mentionned in the post.

I modified it and it seems working now.

Thanks for your quick and effective reply.

Best regards,
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