
Cannot edit form in Form Wizard again

almer 15 Dec, 2008
I've created a new form in Form Wizard, saved it.
But I can't get back to Wizard window, when I click Edit Form I have this window:

Some window like Form Wizard had blinked at the bottom of page and disappeared.

Is it a way to still edit my form in Form Wizard?
GreyHead 15 Dec, 2008
Hi almer,

No there isn't - maybe in a future release.

You can edit your form code in the Form HTML tab.

djalpha 12 Jan, 2009
Can't edit from HTML form code. We can't add new fields or items. Yes i know experts can be add🙂

How can i edit Emails fields from SETUP EMAIL tab, must be edit FORM same. Both style same !

Please some devolopers try clone Setup email codes with setup Form.

thank you. (sorry for my lang)
Max_admin 12 Jan, 2009
Hi djalpha,

This feature is almost complete in a new version to come out very soon, hold on!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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