article->event->afterDisplayContent;Change where chrono comments is being displayed (before, after content) Is that possible to do? If so, I would like to help/contribute (i'm not a programmer but, justwilling to help me out and share), what do I need to learn and wish part of chrono, do I need to modifie?Thanks once again for your time!"> Display comments "afterDisplayContent" - Forums


Display comments "afterDisplayContent"

heldrida 10 Dec, 2008

About Displaying the comments after DisplayContent,
I mean, I want to keep the signature of the article, just after its text/content,
and right after that, I would like to have comments displayed!

Title: Title of Article
Body: Text content of any lenght ( Long text and images, etc ).
Signature: Written by Author on 10/10/08
"afterDisplayContent" here!

By default, we've got chrono displayed just after the text/content of the article.
Before "AfterDisplayContent";

When I'm refearing to DisplayContent, I mean (available on com_content):

Change where chrono comments is being displayed (before, after content) Is that possible to do?
If so, I would like to help/contribute (i'm not a programmer but, just
willing to help me out and share), what do I need to learn and wish part of chrono, do I need to modifie?

Thanks once again for your time!
Max_admin 12 Dec, 2008
Hi heldrida,

this is a setting in the plugin itself, the first one or 2 lines of code so I have no idea to configure this without hacking the file itself!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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