
Alternate Table Row BG Color

decbuck 10 Dec, 2008
Is there a way to alternate the colour of the table background displayed for data from a table. here is my body

<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Date (YYYY-MM-DD)</th>
<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Time</th>
<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Age</th>
<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Sport</th>
<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Team</th>
<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Score</th>
<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Team</th>
<th COL WIDTH='80px'>Score</th>

and finally my body

I usuallu set a variable and use a counter to determine every second row. Can't see that option here.
GreyHead 10 Dec, 2008
Hi decbuck,

Groping in the dark a bit here, there is a variable $counter that seems to count the rows. You could try and see if you could use a little php to create a binary value from it and add that to a class name.

Max_admin 10 Dec, 2008
you don't need to add the {edit_record} to every table cell too, only 1 cell per table row!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
decbuck 11 Dec, 2008
Yeah I noticed that with the edit. Thanks,

Any examples of the php script
Max_admin 12 Dec, 2008
Hi, try this in the body:

$k = 0;
$k = 1 - $k;

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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