
Spread out text below form?

cra2 09 Dec, 2008
Awesome form software, thanks!

I set up a simple form but am having trouble with the text associated with the Submit button.
At this page -

You can see that the text I wrote about the CAPTCHA (right above the Submit button) is squished over to the left.
I'd rather that text take up half the available space on-screen, with the captcha letters over on the right half.

Is this a template issue? Or a setting I can change in the form code?

Max_admin 09 Dec, 2008
Hi cra2,

to change this you will need to open the form code of this part and edit it alittle (just add style="width:300px;" to the div tag), I will try to help if you pasted this piece of code here!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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