
Cannot enable email

aladin 05 Dec, 2008
I'm running Joomla Version 1.5.8 and have uploaded Chronoforms. Everything works great but I cannot enable the email
I have looked and tried all the suggestion in the forums.

In the Tab "setup Email" the item "enabled email" is grey and i' can't change it !
I would really like to work with this compontent if anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
Max_admin 05 Dec, 2008
Hi aladin,

try to check the email tutorial at downloads/Chronoforms tutorials/

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Frank 06 Dec, 2008

I have faced the same problem, but it appears that you have to add the field "From Email" or "Dynamic From Email" to your mail form.
It is actually playing with adding fields to the form. If you have for example added all the fields To, Subject, From Email and From Name than you will notice that the "enable" option is not greyed out anymore.
GreyHead 06 Dec, 2008
Hi Frank,

Yes, you need to have 'To', 'Subject', 'From Email' and 'From Name' (or the dynamic equivalents) before you can enable the email. Without this info the email can't be sent correctly.

All of this is in the Tutorial in the DownLoads section here.

Frank 06 Dec, 2008
Hi Greyhead,

Yes, I just noticed. 😀
Thank you.
aladin 06 Dec, 2008
Thank you all !
It's allright !
But I can't read the pdf tutorial. I'm using foxit reader. Why ?
GreyHead 06 Dec, 2008
Hi aladin,

No idea - the Email tutorial opens OK here - Foxit 3.0 on Windows XP

aladin 09 Dec, 2008
I can't open it.
Max_admin 09 Dec, 2008
try to update to the latest version of this software or get adobe reader ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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