
How to add a comment field under the article

vb230022 04 Dec, 2008
I have installed ChronoComments successful, but unfortunately, I didnt find out how to configure it so the comments field are shown under the articles. I have created my "comment" template via Comment Wizard, but I dont know how to implement it. Modul is allowed in the system.
thanks for any help
Max_admin 04 Dec, 2008
Hi, I'm totally confused, whats the comment wizard ? please tell me which file did you install to your Joomla system ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
vb230022 04 Dec, 2008
when I go to components, there is Form Wizard, sorry, I didnt explain in the form wizard I have created the selection like I want the visitor to fill in name, email and some text when he wants to here in the forms management I see the the form I have created, but I dont know how to implement it so its visible under the articles
GreyHead 04 Dec, 2008
Hi vb230022,

There are two different sister products supported here, ChronoForms which is for creating any kind of web form in Joomla and ChronoComments which is for adding comments to Joomla articles.

It sounds as though you may be trying to create a comments system using ChronoForms?

ChronoForms has a Forms Manager and a Wizard, ChronoComments has a Comments Mananger and no Wizard.

vb230022 05 Dec, 2008
Bob, thanks for explaining. We have installed on our site all under these links -

and now when I go to components, there is an option Chrono-forms...sorry, its a bit confusing as it looks like that we have mixed two components...

but now if I set it up somehow, the field for comments is visible on my pages but not under articles, but under all pages...I will try to uninstall and install again and let you know

thanks for help anyway
Max_admin 05 Dec, 2008
Hi vb230022,

if you installed ChronoComments files then you get a "ChronoComments" entry in the components menu, do you have this ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
vb230022 06 Dec, 2008
hello, its working perfectly friend who was installing it by mistake installed different stuff from Chronoengine. It works now...

I have a few questions: Is there any possibility how to de-activate the "react" field on comment? Can the voting be deactivated?

thanks again
Max_admin 07 Dec, 2008
Hi vb230022,

whats the "react" field ? deactivating voting will be available next version!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
vb230022 07 Dec, 2008
thanks react I mean if there is a possibility to deactivate the option "post reply" sorry, I have it in Czech translation, so I didnt know the exact term until i looked...thanks for all the support
Max_admin 08 Dec, 2008
No problems, right now this is not available but with the next version sure yes!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
vb230022 08 Dec, 2008
guys, thanks a lot for all the support. I will wait for the next version. Thanks a lot again
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