
How to limit number of characters in textarea?

jmhook 20 Nov, 2008
I have a textarea input field for the email message. How do i limit the number of characters in the field to, say 10000?

Max_admin 20 Nov, 2008
Hi Michael, did you try the maxlength attribute ?
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GreyHead 21 Nov, 2008
Hi Michael,

Quirksmode - and a little JavaScript - is your friend.

jmhook 21 Nov, 2008
Hi Bob!

You don't realy think i can get i to work just like that, do you?

I put this initialization call att the beginning of my form HTML:

<script type="text/javascript">

I put the two textarea maxlength functions in the form Javascript:

function setMaxLength() {
	var x = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
	var counter = document.createElement('div');
	counter.className = 'counter';
	for (var i=0;i<x.length;i++) {
		if (x[i].getAttribute('maxlength')) {
			var counterClone = counter.cloneNode(true);
			counterClone.relatedElement = x[i];
			counterClone.innerHTML = '<span>0</span>/'+x[i].getAttribute('maxlength');
			x[i].relatedElement = counterClone.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];

			x[i].onkeyup = x[i].onchange = checkMaxLength;

function checkMaxLength() {
	var maxLength = this.getAttribute('maxlength');
	var currentLength = this.value.length;
	if (currentLength > maxLength)
		this.relatedElement.className = 'toomuch';
		this.relatedElement.className = '';
	this.relatedElement.firstChild.nodeValue = currentLength;
	// not innerHTML

I added the maxlength attribute for the textarea:

<textarea class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="100" rows="10" id="message" cols="70" name="message"></textarea>

But i can see no counter. I suspect the init call. But where am i to put the call if not in the form html?

And another thing, this does not limit the length, only provide a visible counter.
Should i put somthing in php in the server side validation code in order to actually limit the length? And if so, what?

GreyHead 22 Nov, 2008
Hi Michael,

This code needs to go at the *end* of the form html so that it runs after the form is loaded
<script type="text/javascript">

What do you want the behaviour to be if the entry is too long? The Quirkmode version uses a server-side trim to cut down to size. You could just block the entry with
but that might be heavy handed and doesn't allow the user to edit. 'red'
is another alternative!


PPS The image is disabled, has a red background to the counter and a red border to the textarea.
[attachment=0]22-11-2008 15-10-26.png[/attachment]
jmhook 23 Nov, 2008
Thanks Bob!

The counter works now and looks really good with the border changing to red when to many characters and then back again to gray when characters are deleted.

As for how to handle too many characters at submit, there should be an error message and the user should be returned to the form (with the form content intact) so that the message can be revised. I imagine this has to go in the server-side php code, since the user can disable javascript in his browser.

Any input on how to implement this would be greatly appreciated.

Max_admin 23 Nov, 2008
Hi Michael,

this has to be done in the server side validation box, use "return" to return some error after you check the characters limit! see the code example beside the box to have an idea how this works!

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jmhook 23 Nov, 2008
Almost there now...

Two main things remain now:
1. If the form has failed server-side validation and the form is redisplayed, the counter displays "0/1000" even if there are too many characters in the textarea. I obviously need to refresh the counter by triggering the .onkeyup() event for the textarea. How and where do i trigger that event and what is the correct syntax? (I am a total newbie when i comes to javascript).
2. Any error from server-side validation or captcha validation is never cleared. The user will see the same old error message even if he returns to the form at a later stage. I think you are aware of this Max and that this will be fixed in the next version. When can we expect this new improved version?

Max_admin 23 Nov, 2008
Hi Michael,

#1- try to google for the onLoad event for the page and trigger the counter there too!
#2- I'm working on it, no time line I can tell now, still no idea but not before 2 weeks for sure, can you drop me a message here after 2 days or so ? I may have a fix for this issue only.

ChronoForms developer...
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jmhook 27 Nov, 2008
Hi Max!

Have you found a fix for the issue with the sticky error messages?

Max_admin 27 Nov, 2008
Hi, this should be today, was alittle busy the last 2 days!

ChronoForms developer...
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Max_admin 27 Nov, 2008
Hi, in chronocontact.php find:

if ( md5($chrono_verification ) != $sessionvar ) {

add below it :

JRequest::setVar('cf_wrong_security_code', 1);

then in chronocontact.html.php find :

if(($session->get('chrono_verification_msg', '', md5('chrono')))

make this whole line as :

<?php if(($session->get('chrono_verification_msg', '', md5('chrono')))&&(JRequest::getVar('cf_wrong_security_code') == 1)){ ?>

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