
Problem with validation

fred14 19 Nov, 2008
I have developed a form using Chronoform 3.0 which works fine. I am trying to validate some fields. I have enabled the validation and entered the fields in the boxes such a first_name in the no blank. The validation seems to be not working as I receive no message when I leave the field blank and submit the form.
I have spent a lot of time on this problem and read most of the comments in the forum. But I have not been able to crack it. Any help will be appreciated.
GreyHead 19 Nov, 2008
Hi fred14,

Hard to diagnose without seeing the form. The most common causes are (a) validation isn't turned on in the Validation tab or (b) there is a JavaScript conflict with something else on the page.

fred14 19 Nov, 2008
Thank you Bob for your prompt response.
The validation is enabled. Is there anyway to identify the Javascropt conflict?
The site is very small and the only extenstions running are Chronoengine applications. I am using Joomla 1.5.
GreyHead 19 Nov, 2008
Hi Fred,

Both FireFox with FireBug and Chrome have JavaScript debugger windows that can help with this.

fred14 19 Nov, 2008
in Chrono, do you mean debug option in form managment. I turned it on and here is the response I have got:
Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
Emails data loaded OK
Form passed all before email code evaluation OK
An email has been SENT successfully from (Conference Website) to [email][/email],
Debug End

Is there any other debug option that I can turn on?
Max_admin 19 Nov, 2008
Hi fred,

you need a browser JS debugger, as Bob said FireFox with Firebug extension or may be Chrome, I didn't try Chrome myself though!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
fred14 19 Nov, 2008
I used Firefox as the browser to run Firebug, but to my surprise, validation works in Firefox and there was no need for troubleshooting. Can you guess what is going wrong with the explorer?
Max_admin 19 Nov, 2008
does IE shows a JS error at the bottom left area of the status bar ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
fred14 20 Nov, 2008
I have checked IE and I do get the message "error on page' on the left hand side when the validated field is not comleted properly.
fred14 20 Nov, 2008
I have enabled the runtime errors on IE and this is the error that I get:
A runtime Error has occurred. do you wish to Debug?
Error: 'null' is null or not an object.

I have tried to use Microsoft Script Editor to debug but nothing appears in the debugger after being launched.
Max_admin 20 Nov, 2008
Ok, This is a JS conflict between Chronoforms code and another script on your page, view your page source and find any .js files and find why they are loaded and try to disable them one by one until you reach it, may be its loaded through your template so better try switching your template too!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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