
Unable to create any forms with wizard

taldenk 18 Nov, 2008

I have just installed v3.0 on Joomla 1.5.7 and am unable to use the component. I installed the component, mambot, and module. Everything seemed to install successfully, but when I try to use the wizard to create a new form I am unable to drag and drop any of the form items in the box. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the component, but still get the same results. I looked through all 33 pages of this forum section and could not find anything that came close to this problem.

Any help is appreciated.

GreyHead 18 Nov, 2008
Hi taldenk,

There was someone yesterday who had this problem and seemed to be missing a key javascript file. Do you see a row of tabs when you edit a form?

If your site is on-line you can PM me a SuperAdmin login and I'l go take a look if you like.

taldenk 18 Nov, 2008
I do get a row of tabs if I select 'New' from the main menu in the forms manager. I don't have tabs when using the wizard. I am going to update my java to see if that resolves anything.
Max_admin 18 Nov, 2008
try to make sure the mootools library is loaded and try to replace the mootools file, this happened before because of a corrupted mootools file!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
taldenk 18 Nov, 2008
Upgrading java did not help. Also, in answer to the previous question on the tabs, I do have the 'Forms Management', 'Forms Wizard', 'Menu Creator' and 'Menu Remover' tabs showing on each page including the wizard.

As to the mootools I am not sure where to start on that. I looked in the global site configuration and did not see any options that referenced this. Can you point me in the right direction?

Max_admin 19 Nov, 2008
Hi TK,

this is the mootools library path on the joomla site:

try to replace this file with a fresh one from the joomla installer, may be its corrupted for some reason.

let me know!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
porwig 24 Nov, 2008
I am having the same problem stated by the OP: I can't use the forms wizard to drag and drop anything with the forms designer. I uploaded a fresh copy of mootools.js but it still doesn't work.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide!

Max_admin 24 Nov, 2008
Hi Paul,

if you have a Firefox then try to install firebug extension and test the form wizard page, if there is any js errors then there is something wrong, I met about 5 or 6 cases like this, only one of them managed to solve it by reinstalling joomla and chronoforms so my logical thoughts is that the mootools js file was corrupted but of course I can't be 100% sure and I couldn't have any other ideas!

Best regards,
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
porwig 24 Nov, 2008
Hi Max,

Thanks for your prompt response. I turned on Firebug and it found these 2 errors when I tried the Form Wizard (see below).

So am I understanding you correctly that I need to troubleshoot this by finding different versions of the JS files referenced by Firebug? I already replaced mootools.js earlier today after reading these forums.

Thanks again,


Firebug output

Fx.Transitions.Elastic is undefined
(?)()() (line 380)
returns()()mt.js (line 900)
(?)()()mt.js (line 911)
cloneEvents()()mootools.js (line 50)
cloneEvents()("domready", undefined, undefined)mootools.js (line 50) <===this is the 1st error reported by Firebug
parse()()mootools.js (line 59)
returns()()mootools.js (line 21)
returns()()mootools.js (line 21)
[Break on this error] var marginChange = new Fx.Style('right...tion:Fx.Transitions.Elastic.easeOut});

this.parentNode is null
drop()()wizard.js (line 49)
returns()()mt.js (line 900)
(?)()(undefined)mt.js (line 911) <=== this is the 2nd error reported by Firebug
fireEvent()(function())mt.js (line 1586)
fireEvent()("drop", HTMLDivElement 0=div.item 1=Object)mt.js (line 1587)
(?)()(div#left_column)mt.js (line 4330)
stop()()mt.js (line 4333)
parentize()()mt.js (line 88)
returns()()mt.js (line 900)
(?)()(mouseup clientX=775, clientY=299)mt.js (line 911)
[Break on this error] this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
Max_admin 25 Nov, 2008
Hi, I saw this Fx.Transitions.Elastic is undefined error before, it will not work yes but I couldn't solve it, try to google it or look at mootools forums, I have no idea this error will happen at few sites although its the same Joomla admin area and code!!!

let me know!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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