
Cannot send mail via ChronoForm

studielijder 11 Nov, 2008
When using Joomla1.5.7 and ChronoForms3.0, I can design a form and get it to work. However, when trying to send a mail this fails.
Swithing on DEBUG shows a correctly formatted and filled in mail message, mail never arrives however. When adding my own mail() call in onSubmit fields (both before and after sending email) these mails arrive. I did follow all your tutorials but no solution for this problem so far. Can anybody give me any clue what is going on and how to solve it ??


Max_admin 11 Nov, 2008
Hi studielijder,

in the forms manager and in front of your form, does it say "Enabled : 1" or "Disabled : 1" ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 12 Nov, 2008
in my optinion, it is enabled, see screenshot below. Why is the 'disabled' lline shown anyway ??


Max_admin 12 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

because may you have set up more than 1 email and some of them are disabled!

try to use "admin" and "" as the from name and email!

try to change the mail method in the Joomla global config!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 12 Nov, 2008
turn debug on and show me what you get too!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 12 Nov, 2008
changing 'from' and address to admin and [email][/email] did not make any difference, see screenshot below for output of DEBUG
To what should I change the Joomla mail conif ?? I already tried sendmail, no difference.


Max_admin 12 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan-Willem,

Joomla says the email has been sent successfully, so, try SMTP ? do you look at your bulk/SPAM folder ? do you have the latest Joomla version ? watch your email logs at your server, may be it will tell the solution, sometimes there is a small problem which needs to get fixed first.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 12 Nov, 2008
sending mail via Joomla's SMTP option has the same result. I cannot find any reporting of filtering or bouncing in the logs.Is there any difference in the way ChronoForms sends the mail and my test-snippets of mail() in the onSubmit before and onSubmit after sections ??
Is the (enabled:1 disabled:0) in the Forms Manager correct ??


Max_admin 12 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

Chronoforms will use the Joomla core code mail function to send the email after it feeds it with all the necessary info, the Joomla core function will return either true or false, it returns true on the debug which means that the email has been sent ok, this means that all chronoforms settings are correct and an email should be received at your target email but if it doesn't then something is wrong either with Joomla itself or your mail server or the target mail server, try to play with those 3 things, try to setup a new site in Joomla 1.5.8 and test, change your target email and from emails, check you spam boxes, fixing this issue is based on trials you can make until you get it working!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 18 Nov, 2008
Hi Max,

after upgrading to Joomla 1.5.8 and consulting our ISP, the problem is still there. Our ISP does not catch the mail in the spam-filter, he does however see that some mails are not transmitted when sending mail via SMTP (global config in Joomla). The debug output did show PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED (sorry no screenshot available now). does this ring a bell ?? The test-mails in before and after submit codefields are all sent OK (via php's mail())


Max_admin 18 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

The same problem happens with another user here and I went and tried many things but I couldn't get it to work at all, did you try the JUtility::senmail line test ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 18 Nov, 2008
no, can you give me any pointers on where to find more info how to use this ??


Max_admin 18 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

add this to the onsubmit after email and replace the the variables with some of your data :
JUtility::sendMail('', 'admin', '', 'some subject', 'email body', true);

do you get any emails ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 18 Nov, 2008
two snippets of code in onSubmit after mail :

$Name = "jaja"; //senders name
$email = ""; //senders e-mail adress
$recipient = ""; //recipient
$mail_body = "The text for the mail..."; //mail body
$subject = "testmail afterSending"; //subject
$header = "From: ". $Name . " <" . $email . ">\r\n"; //optional headerfields
mail($recipient, $subject, $mail_body, $header); //mail command🙂

JUtility::sendMail('', 'admin', '', 'some subject', 'email body', true);

the first mail is delivered, the second one never arrives

are both sent in the same manner ??


Max_admin 19 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

try this instead :
JUtility::sendMail('', 'admin', '', 'some subject', 'email body', 0);

let me know the results please!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 19 Nov, 2008
same result, the JUtility mail never occurs


studielijder 19 Nov, 2008
no change in result, the JUtility mail never arrives. I am using valid mailadresssed (the account is only examploratory)


Max_admin 19 Nov, 2008
try to compare the email you get with the mail and the with the JUtility mail function, compare the mail headers, are they the same ? try to make them the same!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
studielijder 19 Nov, 2008
hi Max,

I've stipped my form to it's bare bones (only a submit-button), commented the processing of the received data and left in my testmail snippet. I also set site-logging to maximum. I would expect to start off with an empty form with only buttons and on submission receive two mails: one via chronoForm and one via the onSubmit mail() testsnippet, only the latter shows in my inbox.
To my surprise, the following info is logged in the front-end:

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$plugins in /sites/ on line 286

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$mplugins_order in /sites/ on line 287

Notice: Undefined index: '. $name .' in /sites/ on line 346

Notice: Undefined index: '. $name .' in /sites/ on line 349

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$plugins in /sites/ on line 507

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$mplugins_order in /sites/ on line 508
Bedankt voor uw declaratie. Mocht u nog vragen hebben, laat dan wat weten via [email][/email]
sent testmail after mailing

does this give you any clues ??
I tried your hint about changing the controller.php (adding the addReplyTo() call) but no difference. Even when deliberately corrupting the php, Joomla does not complain. It looks as if this part of code is never executed .


Max_admin 19 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

Those warnings should have no effect at all with the email issue, I still think that this is a problem with the php mailer code itself or your combination of the to and from eials, try to send to a gmail or yahoo email and from your joomla "from email" like

you can hide those warnings by setting error reporting to none in the global config!

Best regards
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
kkshiro 30 Dec, 2008
I also have this prolem !
Debug on
When i submited ,it show
_POST: Array ( [text_1] => Kshiro [text_2] => [undefined] => Submit [1f90d02c4ad791d570a71cda9a41ae93] => 1 )

A copy of your form sent to

Help me !
GreyHead 30 Dec, 2008
Hi KKshiro,

If you look at the image you posted you'll see that it says Emails: enabled 0, disabled 1.

You need to enable the email in the Properties box. Please download the Email tutorial from the Downloads section if you have any problems.

kkshiro 31 Dec, 2008
Thanks verymuch ! I m successful 😀
Great comp !
cutescar2nis 18 Jun, 2009
is your form being sent now to your gmail account??? i'm encountering the same problem, after submitting the form it views a dummy email (the same in the tutorial) but my aim is to send the form data to my gmail account. 😢 hope someone can help me... thanks~
GreyHead 18 Jun, 2009
Hi cutescar2nis,

This is a very old thread :-(

Please check your Gmail spam folder.

Please post an image of the Debug page here including the dummy email.

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