
Help needed regarding checkbox buttons

sameer_mhatre512 07 Nov, 2008
Hello admin,
I am working one site where i need to make use of multiple select boxes and have a date assigned to that option. following is the link for the form
i am not able to see the records in the db as well as in email i get more number of options

Please Select what you would like to be reminded
for and when you would like us to contact you: Vaccination
Heartworm Prevention
Intestinal Worming
Flea Control
Tick Prevention
1 Jan 2008

CAn you please help me with it.

Max_admin 07 Nov, 2008
Hi Sameer,

I think your checkbox field name should be : contactdate[] and not contactdate only!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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