
How to create birthdate option?

jan 05 Nov, 2008

im newbie for this extention, im making a form which is an application form, but when i try using wizard menu i dont know where is the option for the date. Shoul i use drop down menu for the year,month and day?


Max_admin 05 Nov, 2008
Hi jan,

in the wizard elements you have a datetime picker field to drag and drop like others!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jan 06 Nov, 2008
Hi max,

I try using datepicker, but what is the out put of this, i mean what i want is simply like this: the day, month, year is in select option.

Max_admin 06 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

I got what you need but this can be done with 3 different dropdowns then, and because the current version will not allow you to create 3 dropdowns at the same row so you will need to edit teh code generated by the wizard!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jan 06 Nov, 2008
Helo Max,

Yeah i tried that i made three dropdown option but my problem is they are in vertical form, i guess i need to edit the code generated by the wizard. Is there possible that i can change or edit my form in the form wizard?

GreyHead 06 Nov, 2008
Hi Jan,

No, you can't edit the layout in the Form Wizard but you can edit the html as much as you like in the Form Code | Form HTML box.

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