
My mistake I wasn't thinking

zaphod71 30 Oct, 2008
Since I installed ChronoForms I am getting popups in explorer warning that my site may be a phishing site.

I had a google search and there does appear to be a problem with vulnerabilities.

Does anybody else have problems with this? As it stands, to use this component on my site would be commercial suicide.
Max_admin 30 Oct, 2008
Hi zaphod,

no idea about this issue, try to view this page:

in your IE, do you get the same popups ? its in Chronoforms.

let me know!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
zaphod71 31 Oct, 2008
I am so, so sorry.

I think I panicked last night and assumed it was the last extension I installed. Then when I did a search on previous problems with chronoforms, I put 2+2 together and got 5443344.
In actual fact, it was a newsreader I had set up to go through yahoo rss. It was a link through that was doing the harm.

Again, I'm sorry about posting without thinking properly.
Max_admin 31 Oct, 2008
No problems, happens to every human being!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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