
Events component/ Enter click

sud213 29 Oct, 2008
I had some problem translating the component, the "submit button" doesn't Work. By the way I'm writing in this post because I found a bug with EventList Component.

"Leggi 0 Commenti" ???

It's a restriched area, registration is required to visit this page.

[attachment=1]Immagine 1.png[/attachment]

[attachment=0]Immagine 2.png[/attachment]
Max_admin 29 Oct, 2008
the text in the events page is because this events components uses the normal joomla articles I believe, can you show me a page with the submit button doesnt work after your translation ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
sud213 29 Oct, 2008
I found another Bug using Safari 3.1 (OSX). I wrote the captcha code and after that I pushed "Enter" on the Keyboard instead pushing on the "Submit" Button. I had an output like the one on the screenshoot. With FireFox (OSX) It doesn't happen.

Moving back to your question about my translation problem, after pushing on Submit Comment (Invia Commento) the page remains exactly the same, no actions are reported. At the moment I partially changed the english language file and everything seems to work good so I can't post a screenshot. In the near future I will try to translate again both the front-end and back-end language files. I'll let you know.

I am trying to solve the EventList bug, I'll let you know if I discover something.


Antonio from Naples, Italy
Max_admin 29 Oct, 2008
Hi Antonio,

Ok, I will look into the enter click issue, I have made this a new topic!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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