
Code Weight

diorist 29 Oct, 2008
I'm in a bit of a quandry...hoping you can help.

First, I really like ChronoComments. I've tried several commenting systems, and CC is the only one that a) does what it's supposed to do and b) doesn't interfere with other functions of my site.

However, I've noticed that ChronoComments adds about 100 lines of code to the header of my site's home page. That's a lot, especially since the home page doesn't have any comment boxes on it (although it includes the titles and abstracts of several articles). The home page is not selected in the CC back-end admin. Still, CC seems to be enabled on that page, and that extra code is noticeably (and problematically) impacting homepage load times.

Is there a way to keep CC from loading on specific pages, the home page in particular? I still want CC on the articles that link off the home page, so disabling comments on them would be self-defeating. But the article abstracts shouldn't trigger the inclusion of CC on pages that don't include the article comment forms, right?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

diorist 30 Oct, 2008
Thanks, Max! The fix got rid of all but about 20 lines, which is a great improvement.

Is there a way to put a conditional statement in above this section:


That would prevent that section from loading on non-commentable pages, as well?

Thanks again! You are speedy and accurate, as always.

Max_admin 30 Oct, 2008
Hi Diorist,

I agree with your about this, but this will be ready in the new release, it will need the code to be arranged alittle and no need to miss things.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
diorist 30 Oct, 2008
Okidoke. I'll look forward to Meanwhile, I'm happy to have the issue it 80% alleviated, anyway.

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