
mambot validation

chronouser55 28 Oct, 2008
The forms that I insert into content via the mambot don't validate correctly.
I successfully made a form. I then installed the mambot so that I could insert the form in content. The mambot form worked but did not validate the entries. I compared the regular form page with the mambot form. I discovered that the regular form page had "class="required" specified for every field that it was supposed to validate. However the mambot generated form only had "class="required" for the first input field. This is very strange.
chronouser55 28 Oct, 2008
I found a discrepancy between the validation syntax in the component and the mambot. I fixed my problem by altering chronocontact.php in the mambot. I am attaching a replacement file for /mambots/content/chronocontact.php
Max_admin 28 Oct, 2008
Hi chronouser55,

which Chronoforms component version/mambot version/Joomla version do you have ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
frobak 14 Jun, 2010

Is there a resolution to this validation problem using mambot?

GreyHead 14 Jun, 2010
Hi Alan,

As far as I know it's fixed in the current version?

frobak 14 Jun, 2010
Hi Bob, me again!!

Ive created a form in chronoforms and tested to ensure the validation works. I then add this form to an article with the {chronocontact}loans{/chronocontact} and hey presto, no more validation!!

why why why?

GreyHead 14 Jun, 2010
Hi Alan,

Can you post a link to the form?

GreyHead 14 Jun, 2010
Hi Alan,

The page you linked to the form tag is
<form method="post" action="">
This has no id in it so the validation code can't find the form fields. It's also unlike any form tag that ChronoForms generates !! On the basic form the tag is
<form action="" method="post" id="ChronoContact_loans" name="ChronoContact_loans">

The form shows a JavaScript error

$("ChronoContact_loans") is null
[Break on this error] $('ChronoContact_loans').getInputByName2(field).addClass('required');

frobak 14 Jun, 2010
Hi Bob

Yes I had 2 form tags, one on the article and one from the mambot form 😶

thanks for your time!

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