
Database Question

Riceman 25 Oct, 2008
I have a customer that would like information saved to a database on submit of forms, and a web based interface to view/alter/add/delete/mass email/etc. Is there a plugin available that will do this that integrates well with ChronoForms? I have used your component before for simple emailing of contact information, and it has worked perfectly. I am relatively new to the world of utilizing a database for the purposes above, so cannot write custom code, but will need some type of plugin, component, for joomla or for ChronoForms itself.

Also, support has always been great with you guys!

GreyHead 25 Oct, 2008
Hi Riceman,

Max's ChronoCommectivity does some of that and he is talking about a new release in the next few days (maybe a little longer) that will enable the edit/delete parts - probably not mass mailing but I guess that you could add that.

Riceman 05 Nov, 2008
Thanks. I didn't realize (had never used) the database solution in ChronoForms itself. This is fine!
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