
Browser title bar says "Joomla!

rustyDusty 22 Oct, 2008
I've noticed that with every form I make (using 3.0) there is a "Joomla!" word on my browser title bar.

Is this part of the license? I know about the "Joomla Professional Work" link at the bottom of an unlicensed form, but I never read anything about the word "Joomla!" being on the browser title bar.

Will buying the license stop this?

I want the title name of my form to be on the title bar.
Max_admin 22 Oct, 2008
Hi, no this is not license related, the form name should be the page title automatically if the form page is created using a menu item of type ChronoForms, is this the case ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rustyDusty 22 Oct, 2008
I did not add chronoforms to a menu item. I'm using a sliding module instead. I will add chronoforms to the main menu list and report back.

thank you.
rustyDusty 23 Oct, 2008

Hi, no this is not license related, the form name should be the page title automatically if the form page is created using a menu item of type ChronoForms, is this the case ?

What exactly do you mean "form page created using a menu item of type ChronoForms..."

I took it to mean that I add a menu item to my site's Main Menu list and set Menu Item Type to Chrono Contact.

I did that. I created a menu item,
I clicked change type button and selected ChronoForms,
the Main menu interface set the link to: "index.php?option=com_chronocontact" and in the Parameters (Basic) interface I put "formName" with no quotes.
I saved these settings.

IT WORKED! My formName is now on the browser title bar.

Thanx again.
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