I'm sorry I don't understand what the {222222-1} and {99999999-0} codes mean? Why can't we just put a number followed by an abbreviation like before?
Lets say I want to make sure that a file's minimum size is 5kb and its max size is 30MB. What code am I supposed to put there? Also do you number the files (file_3:) for multiple upload interfaces?
Feeling like a newbie...Oh wait I am!
Hi RustyDusty,
As the example says the codes are {max_size-min_size} in kb
For "file's minimum size is 5kb and its max size is 30MB" that would be {30000-5}
You can't use the old notation because Max has changed it to a new version. In part this is to allow different limits for each 'upload interface'.
You use the field_name to identify each each 'upload interface', this is unchanged.
So the structure is field_name : pipe separated array of file types { max_size - min_size} but written without spaces and with the file types in lower case exactly as in the example.
Hello I am having a simialr problem with the File Upload. I've followed the thread, still getting the 'Sorry, Your uploaded file size exceeds the allowed limit' regardless of my file size.
I've followed the pdf tutorial exactly. Checked my Joomla System->PHP configurations. File Upload is set to On. Max file size is 20M.
Using Joomla 1.5.7. I am alsoin the process of upgrading to 1.5.9 soon.
Using Chronoforms V3.0
In the File Uploads Tab:
Enable Uploads: Yes
I've tried various files from 16KB to 10,000KB. I keep getting the error regardless. All the form entries are lost. It would be nice also to preserve the form entries if I get this error.
Please help. Thanks in advance!
Hi sophy978,
Please try removong the comma after text, a comma marks the next upload field so ChronoForms probably isn't seeing your file limits.
Hi Bob,
Yup that did the trick. It was the comma that was causing the problems. Thanks! 😀
I use the chrono forms components, and i have put this code on my form for File upload :
and i still have the error message : "Sorry, Your uploaded file size exceeds the allowed limit"
Someone can help
Hi Romain,
Which Chronoforms version ?
I think that here, the file exceeds the allowed PHP limit but not the Chronoforms limit, check your PHP limit and test a file with size less than that!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hello everyone,
Just wanted to comment this a little bit. While this solution is perfectly ok, there is a little bit of ambiguousness in the explanation provided in the form backend.
Namely, rustydusty was confused just as I was because explanation provided said {222-1} and {99-0}, instead of {maxSize-minSize} (as you explained here in the forum). One could easily think of {222-1} as 222KB-1MB, even though there is a "KB" mentioned in explanation.
While this forum post cleared my doubts, this is still a recommendation for future versions (and I might be too slow, and present version have this corrected. In that case I apologize).