Well, I am developing one component…The function of the component is given below.
1. Component will store the Hospital name/location/surgery done across the country
And display in a manner given in attached HTML files.
2. Once user click on check box selection and make search then it should display the desire result in a list and short description form.
3. once the user click on list link, the full details should displayed about particular hospitals.
I have done following…
1. Form which will save the data in database and display the save inputs in list….
Now question is how to make search on this, based on user selection?
refer the attched file for more idea..
please help me...
1. Component will store the Hospital name/location/surgery done across the country
And display in a manner given in attached HTML files.
2. Once user click on check box selection and make search then it should display the desire result in a list and short description form.
3. once the user click on list link, the full details should displayed about particular hospitals.
I have done following…
1. Form which will save the data in database and display the save inputs in list….
Now question is how to make search on this, based on user selection?
refer the attched file for more idea..
please help me...