
Using Chronoforms to input "Custom Properties"

Tidehawk 16 Oct, 2008
I'm developing a site which demands tags on all articles for ease of search and categorization.

I'm using Custom Properties for this... it works great.
find the demo site here:

What I'm looking to do is create a form to replace the native "submit article" form with one that will also allow the author to select the corresponding tags at the same time.

This would mean that the form would dump information into 2 different places, possibly use a 2 form/step approach.
The first step would be a remake of the already existing submit article form.
submitting data to jos_content

The second step would consist of a series of checkboxes so the user can choose the tags placed onto the article, this data is kept in a different place : jos_custom_properties

Can this be done with ChronoForms?

GreyHead 16 Oct, 2008
Hi Tidehawk,

Yes, I think so.

Max posted some code for a form that allows content submission a week or so ago - it's here in the forums somewhere.

You'd need to modify the content submission form to add the category checkboxes and then add extra code to the ChronoForms 'autogenerated code' tab to save the results to the second database table.


PS You might also take a look at Phil Taylor's Joomla Tags which allows user tagging.
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