
Not able to get File Uploads working

contamine 15 Oct, 2008
Here is what I have tried so far:

1) I do have a field in the form with type="file", and the field name does correspond exactly to what I have entered under the file uploads tab.
2) In the file uploads tab of chronoforms for the form in question I have listed upload:jpg|gif|png|bmp in the field names field ('upload' being the name of the relevant field in my form).
3) Uploads are enabled and max size is set to 2000 and min size to 1.
4) I have entered enctype='multipart/form-data' in the form tag attachment field under the general tab.
5) I have checked my configuration.php file for the var $mosconfig_fileperms = '644'; entry and it did not exist, however, adding it to the configuration file did not help.
6) I do not see anywhere in any of the three global configuration pages where there is a setting for "CHMOD new files."

I am using Chronoforms version 2.5 with Joomla version 1.5.3

Selected image files do not get attached to emails and do not get uploaded to the upload folder under Chronocontact. Thank you for any help you can give!
contamine 15 Oct, 2008
We have several instances of our site on several subdomains, and each site has several forms built in Chronoforms. So, to update to Chronoforms 3.0 we have to wipe all those forms and rebuild them all in Chronoforms 3.0 from backup files that aren't going to load across versions?? Just to get the upload feature to work?? Yikes!

Am I missing something here? That seems painfully roundabout.

Is there really no way to get the upload feature to work in version 2.5?
Max_admin 15 Oct, 2008
Hi contamine,

oh yes, this will be harder, well there is, if the uploads don't get there, then I assume there is some folders permissions issue, some difference in the user used by joomla and the one used by apache, can you open your components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.php file and copy all code and paste it here inside code tags ? I will make some changes to it so it works for you.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
contamine 16 Oct, 2008
Thank you so much! Here's the code:

 * CHRONOFORMS version 1.0 stable
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Chrono_Man, All rights reserved.
 * Author: Chrono_Man (
 * See readme.html.
 * Visit for regular update and information.

/* ensure that this file is called by another file */
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

 * Load the HTML class
require_once( JApplicationHelper::getPath( 'front_html' ) ); 
require_once( JApplicationHelper::getPath( 'class' ) );

$posted = array();
$posted = $_POST;
 * Main switch statement
switch( $task ) {
	case 'send':
 * End of main page

 * Display the form for entry
function showform($posted)
    global $mainframe;
	$database =& JFactory::getDBO();

    $formname = JRequest::getVar( 'chronoformname', '', 'get', 'string', '' );
    //$formname = $_GET['chronoformname'];
	if ( !$formname ) {
		$query = "
            SELECT params
                FROM #__menu
                WHERE id='".$_GET['Itemid']."' AND type='component'";
		$database->setQuery( $query );
		$menudata = $database->loadResult();
		if ( $menudata ) {
			$registry = new JRegistry();
			$registry->loadINI( $menudata );
			$configs = $registry->toObject( );
			$formname = $configs->formname;
	$imver = "";
    $query = "
	   SELECT *
	       FROM #__chrono_contact
	       WHERE name = '$formname'";
    $database->setQuery( $query );
    $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
    $registry = new JRegistry();
	$registry->loadINI( $rows[0]->paramsall );
	$paramsvalues = $registry->toObject( );
    if ( trim($paramsvalues->imagever) == 'Yes' ) {
        $imver = '<input name="chrono_verification" type="text" id="chrono_verification" value="">
              <img src="'.JURI::Base()
	$htmlstring = $rows[0]->html;
	if( trim($paramsvalues->validate) == 'Yes'){
	// Easy Validation //
			preg_match_all('/name=("|\').*?("|\')/i', $htmlstring, $matches);
			$arr_required = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_required));
			$arr_validate_number = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_number));
			$arr_validate_digits = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_digits));
			$arr_validate_alpha = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_alpha));
			$arr_validate_alphanum = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_alphanum));
			$arr_validate_date = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_date));
			$arr_validate_email = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_email));
			$arr_validate_url = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_url));
			$arr_validate_date_au = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_date_au));
			$arr_validate_currency_dollar = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_currency_dollar));
			$arr_validate_selection = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_selection));
			$arr_validate_one_required = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_one_required));
			$arr_all = array_merge($arr_required, $arr_validate_number, $arr_validate_digits, $arr_validate_alpha, $arr_validate_alphanum, $arr_validate_date, $arr_validate_email, $arr_validate_url, $arr_validate_date_au, 
			$arr_validate_currency_dollar, $arr_validate_selection, $arr_validate_one_required);
			foreach ($matches[0] as $match)
				$new_match = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/i', '', $match);
				$new_match2 = preg_replace('/("|\')/', '', $new_match);
				$name = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/', '', $new_match2);
				$class_array = array();
						$class_array[] = "required";
						$class_array[] = "validate-number";
						$class_array[] = "validate-digits";
						$class_array[] = "validate-alpha";
						$class_array[] = "validate-alphanum";
						$class_array[] = "validate-date";
						$class_array[] = "validate-email";
						$class_array[] = "validate-url";
						$class_array[] = "validate-date-au";
						$class_array[] = "validate-currency-dollar";
						$class_array[] = "validate-selection";
						$class_array[] = "validate-one-required";
					$class_string = implode(" ",$class_array);
					$htmlstring = str_replace($match,$match.' class="'.$class_string.'"',$htmlstring);
		$rows[0]->html = $htmlstring;
	/// end validation //
    HTML_ChronoContact::showform( $rows , $imver);

 * Respond to a submitted form
function uploadandmail()
    global $mainframe;
	$database =& JFactory::getDBO();
		// Block SPAM through the submit URL
		if ( empty($_POST) ) {
			echo "You are not allowed to access this URL directly, POST array is empty";

     * Retrieve form data from the database
    $formname = JRequest::getVar( 'chronoformname', '', 'get', 'string', '' );
    //$formname = $_GET['chronoformname'];
    $query     = "
	   SELECT *
	       FROM #__chrono_contact
	       WHERE name='$formname'";
    $database->setQuery( $query );
    $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
	$registry = new JRegistry();
	$registry->loadINI( $rows[0]->titlesall );
	$titlesvalues = $registry->toObject( );
	$registry = new JRegistry();
	$registry->loadINI( $rows[0]->paramsall );
	$paramsvalues = $registry->toObject( );
    $error_found = false;
     * If imageversification is on check the code
    if ( trim($paramsvalues->imagever) == 'Yes' ) {
		/*if (session_name() != md5('chrono')){
		$session =& JFactory::getSession();
		$sessionvar = $session->get('chrono_verification', 'default', md5('chrono'));
		$chrono_verification = strtolower($_POST['chrono_verification']);
		if ( md5($chrono_verification ) != $sessionvar ) {
			showErrorMessage('Sorry, You have entered a wrong verification code, Please try again!!');
     * if $debug is true then ChronoForms will show diagnostic output
    $debug = $paramsvalues->debug;
    if ( $debug ) {
        echo "_POST: ";
        echo "<br />";

     * Upload attachments
	$attachments = array();
	if ( trim($paramsvalues->uploads == 'Yes' ) && trim($paramsvalues->uploadfields) ) {
		//$allowed_s1 = explode(",", trim($paramsvalues->uploadfields));
			if ( is_array($paramsvalues->uploadfields) ) {
			$allowed_s1 = implode('|', $paramsvalues->uploadfields);
			} else {
			$allowed_s1 = $paramsvalues->uploadfields;
			$allowed_s1 = explode(",", trim($allowed_s1));
		foreach ( $allowed_s1 as $allowed_1 ) {
			$allowed_s2      = explode(":", trim($allowed_1));
			$allowed_s3      = explode("|", trim($allowed_s2[1]));
			$original_name   = $_FILES[$allowed_s2[0]]['tmp_name'];
			$filename        = date('YmdHis').'_'.preg_replace('`[^a-z0-9-_.]`i','',$_FILES[$allowed_s2[0]]['name']);
			$fileok          = true;
			if ( $original_name ) {
				if ( ($_FILES[$allowed_s2[0]]["size"] / 1024) > trim($paramsvalues->uploadmax) ) {
					$fileok = false;
					showErrorMessage('Sorry, Your uploaded file size exceeds the allowed limit.');
				if ( ($_FILES[$allowed_s2[0]]["size"] / 1024) < trim($paramsvalues->uploadmin) ) {
					$fileok = false;
					showErrorMessage('Sorry, Your uploaded file size is less than the allowed limit');
				$fn     = $_FILES[$allowed_s2[0]]['name'];
				$fext   = substr($fn, strrpos($fn, '.') + 1);
				if ( !in_array($fext, $allowed_s3) ) {
					$fileok = true;
					showErrorMessage('Sorry, Your uploaded file type is not allowed');
				if ( $fileok ) {
					$uploadedfile = handle_uploaded_files($original_name, $filename);
					if ( $uploadedfile ) {
                        $attachments[$allowed_s2[0]] = $uploadedfile;

	/* Do Onsubmit before_email plugins*/
	$ava_plugins = explode(",",$paramsvalues->plugins);
	$ava_plugins_order = explode(",",$paramsvalues->mplugins_order);
	//$ava_plugins_array = array();
	array_multisort($ava_plugins_order, $ava_plugins);
	foreach($ava_plugins as $ava_plugin){
		$query     = "SELECT * FROM #__chrono_contact_plugins WHERE form_id='".$rows[0]->id."' AND event='ONSUBMIT' AND name='".$ava_plugin."'";
		$database->setQuery( $query );
		$plugins = $database->loadObjectList();
			${$ava_plugin} = new $ava_plugin();
			//$params = mosParseParams($plugins[0]->params);
			$registry3 = new JRegistry();
			$registry3->loadINI( $plugins[0]->params );
			$params = $registry3->toObject( );
			if($params->onsubmit == 'before_email'){
				${$ava_plugin}->onsubmit( 'com_chronocontact', $params, $plugins[0] );

	 * If there are no errors and e-mail is required then build and send it.
	if ( ($rows[0]->emailresults != 0) && !$error_found ) {
         * Clean the list of fields to be omitted from the results email
	    if ( trim($paramsvalues->omittedfields ) != '' ) {
	       $omittedlist = explode(",", $paramsvalues->omittedfields);
	    $htmlstring = $rows[0]->html;
	     * Find all the 'name's in the html-string and add to the $matches array
	    preg_match_all('/name=("|\').*?("|\')/i', $htmlstring, $matches);
	     * clean the matches array
	    $names = array();
	    foreach ( $matches[0] as $name ) {
	        $name = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/i', '', $name);
	        $name = preg_replace('/("|\')/', '', $name);
	        $name = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/', '', $name);
	        if ( strpos($name, '[]') ) {
	            $name = str_replace('[]', '', $name);
	        $names[] = trim($name);
	    $names = array_unique($names);
	     * Associate field values with names and implode arrays
	    $fields = array();
	    foreach ( $names as $name ) {
	        if ( is_array($_POST[$name])) {
	            $fields[$name] = implode(", ", $_POST[$name]);
	        } else {
	            $fields[$name] = $_POST[$name];
	     * Main E-mail type switch
	     * Case 2: Use 'my template'
	     * Case 3: Not in use
	     * Case 1 & default: use field titles
	    switch ($paramsvalues->email_type) {

	        case 2:
	             * Use 'my template'
	            if ( $debug ) { echo "Case 2: Use template<br />"; }
	            $html_message = $rows[0]->emailtemplate;
				eval( "?>".$html_message );
				$html_message = ob_get_clean();
	            foreach ( $fields as $name => $post) {
				    $html_message = preg_replace("/\\{".$name."\\}/", $post, $html_message);

	        case 3:
	             * Not in use

	             $htmlstring2  = preg_replace('/(<input.*name=)(")(.*?)(")(.*>)/', '$3', $htmlstring);
	             $html_message = preg_replace('/(<select.*?name=)(")(.*?)(")(.*?select>)/s',
	           '$3', $htmlstring2);
	            if ( $debug ) { echo "Case 3: Under development<br />"; }
	            $html_message = 'Still under development';


	        case 1:
	             * Use Field Titles and table layout (default)
	            if ( $debug ) { echo "Case 1: Use table layout<br />"; }
	            $col_names = array();
	            if ( !is_array($omittedlist) ) {
	                $omittedlist = array();
	            $html_message = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
                foreach ( $fields as $name => $post) {
	                if ( in_array($name, $omittedlist) ) {
	                 * Substitute element titles for field names
	                if ( trim($titlesvalues->$name) ) {
	                    $name = $titlesvalues->$name;
	                $html_message .= "<tr height='10'>
	                   <td width='40%' class='tablecell1'>$name</td>
	                   <td width='60%' class='tablecell2'>$post</td>
	            $html_message .= "</table>";
         * Add IP address if required
	    if ( $paramsvalues->recip == "Yes" ) {
	        $html_message .= "<br /><br />Submitted by ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	     * Wrap page code around the html message body
	    $html_message = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">
								  <base href=\"JURI::base()/\" />
								  <style type=\"text/css\">
	     * Run the On-submit 'pre e-mail' code if there is any
	    if ( !empty($rows[0]->onsubmitcodeb4) ) {
			eval( "?>".$rows[0]->onsubmitcodeb4 );
	if ( ($rows[0]->emailresults != 0) && !$error_found ) {
		 * The send e-mail switch
		 * Case 1: 'Yes' standard (not in use)
		 * Case 2: 'Yes' custom (default)
	    switch ( $rows[0]->emailresults ) {
	         * E-mail the results - 'Yes' standard
	         * Not in use!
	        case 1:
	            if ( $debug) { echo "E-mail: 'Yes' standard<br />"; }
	            $from        = $chronocontact_params->get('from_email');
	            $fromname    = $chronocontact_params->get('from_name');
	            $subject     = $chronocontact_params->get('subject');
	            $recipient[] = $chronocontact_params->get('primary_email');

	        case 2:
	             * E-mail the results - 'Yes' custom
	            if ( $debug) { echo "E-mail: 'Yes' custom<br />"; }
	            $from      = $paramsvalues->from_email;
	            $fromname  = $paramsvalues->from_name;
	            $subject   = $rows[0]->emailsubject;
	            $recipient = str_replace(" ","",$rows[0]->extraemail);
	            $recipient = explode(",", $recipient);
					$ccemails = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->ccemail);
					$ccemails = explode(",", $ccemails);
					$ccemails = NULL;
					$bccemails = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->bccemail);
					$bccemails = explode(",", $bccemails);
					$bccemails = NULL;
					$replyto_email = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->replyto_email);
					$replyto_email = explode(",", $replyto_email);
					$replyto_email = NULL;
					$replyto_name = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->replyto_name);
					$replyto_name = explode(",", $replyto_name);
					$replyto_name = NULL;
	    //$replyto   = $chronocontact_params->get('replyto_email');
         * Substitute field values if they are set
	    if ( trim($paramsvalues->subjectfield) != "" ) {
	        $subject       = $_POST[$paramsvalues->subjectfield];
	    if ( trim($paramsvalues->fromemailfield) != "" ) {
	        $from          = $_POST[$paramsvalues->fromemailfield];
	    if ( trim($paramsvalues->fromnamefield) != "" ) {
	        $fromname      = $_POST[$paramsvalues->fromnamefield];
	    if ( trim($paramsvalues->emailfield) != "" ) {
	        $recipient[]   = $_POST[$paramsvalues->emailfield];
		if ( trim($paramsvalues->ccfield) != "" ) {
	        $ccemails[]   = $_POST[$paramsvalues->ccfield];
		if ( trim($paramsvalues->bccfield) != "" ) {
	        $bccemails[]   = $_POST[$paramsvalues->bccfield];
	     * Send the email(s)
	    $email_sent = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $html_message, true,
	       $ccemails, $bccemails, $attachments, $replyto_email, $replyto_name );
		if ( $debug ) {
			if ($email_sent)echo "Email sent ";
			if (!$email_sent)echo "Email not sent ";
	    // :: HACK :: insert debug
		if ( $debug ) {
		    echo "<h4>E-mail message</h4>
            <div style='border:1px solid black; padding:6px;margin:6px;'>
		    <p>From: $fromname [$from]<br />
		    To:  ".implode($recipient,', ')."<br />
		    Subject: $subject</p>
		    $html_message<br /></div>";
		// :: end hack ::

	if ( !$error_found ) {
	/*************** check to see if order was specified, if not then use the default old one ************************/
		for($ixx = 1 ; $ixx <= 3; $ixx++){
			if($paramsvalues->plugins_order == $ixx){
				$ava_plugins = explode(",",$paramsvalues->plugins);
				$ava_plugins_order = explode(",",$paramsvalues->mplugins_order);
				//$ava_plugins_array = array();
				array_multisort($ava_plugins_order, $ava_plugins);
				foreach($ava_plugins as $ava_plugin){
					$query     = "SELECT * FROM #__chrono_contact_plugins WHERE form_id='".$rows[0]->id."' AND event='ONSUBMIT' AND name='".$ava_plugin."'";
					$database->setQuery( $query );
					$plugins = $database->loadObjectList();
						${$ava_plugin} = new $ava_plugin();
						$registry2 = new JRegistry();
						$registry2->loadINI( $plugins[0]->params );
						$params = $registry2->toObject( );
						if($params->onsubmit != 'before_email'){
							${$ava_plugin}->onsubmit( 'com_chronocontact', $params , $plugins[0] );
			 * Run the On-submit 'post e-mail' code if there is any
			if($paramsvalues->onsubmitcode_order == $ixx){
				if ( !empty($rows[0]->onsubmitcode) ) {
					eval( "?>".$rows[0]->onsubmitcode );
			 * Run the SQL query if there is one
			if($paramsvalues->autogenerated_order == $ixx){
				if ( !empty($rows[0]->autogenerated) ) {
					eval( "?>".$rows[0]->autogenerated );
			 * Redirect the page if requested
			if ( !empty($rows[0]->redirecturl) ) {
 * Handle uploaded files
 * @param unknown_type $uploadedfile
 * @param string $filename
 * @param string $limits
 * @param string $directory
 * @return unknown
function handle_uploaded_files($uploadedfile, $filename, $limits = TRUE, $directory = FALSE)
    //global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_fileperms;
	//$fileperms = "0644";
    /*if ( strlen($mosConfig_fileperms) > 0 ) {
        $fileperms = octdec($mosConfig_fileperms);
    $uploaded_files = "";
    $upload_path = JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_chronocontact/upload/';
    if ( is_file($uploadedfile) ) {
        $targetfile = $upload_path.$filename;
        while ( file_exists($targetfile) ) {
            $targetfile = $upload_path.rand(1,1000).'_'.$filename;
        move_uploaded_file($uploadedfile, $targetfile);
        //if ( strlen($fileperms) > 0 ) {
        //    chmod($targetfile, $fileperms);
        $uploaded_files = $targetfile;
    return $uploaded_files;

 * Display JavaScript alert box as error message
 * @param string $message
function showErrorMessage($message) {
    echo "<script> alert('$message'); </script>\n";
Max_admin 16 Oct, 2008
try this one instead:
    * CHRONOFORMS version 1.0 stable
    * Copyright (c) 2006 Chrono_Man, All rights reserved.
    * Author: Chrono_Man (
    * See readme.html.
    * Visit for regular update and information.

    /* ensure that this file is called by another file */
    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

    * Load the HTML class
    require_once( JApplicationHelper::getPath( 'front_html' ) );
    require_once( JApplicationHelper::getPath( 'class' ) );

    $posted = array();
    $posted = $_POST;
    * Main switch statement
    switch( $task ) {
       case 'send':
    * End of main page

    * Display the form for entry
    function showform($posted)
        global $mainframe;
       $database =& JFactory::getDBO();

        $formname = JRequest::getVar( 'chronoformname', '', 'get', 'string', '' );
        //$formname = $_GET['chronoformname'];
       if ( !$formname ) {
          $query = "
                SELECT params
                    FROM #__menu
                    WHERE id='".$_GET['Itemid']."' AND type='component'";
          $database->setQuery( $query );
          $menudata = $database->loadResult();
          if ( $menudata ) {
             $registry = new JRegistry();
             $registry->loadINI( $menudata );
             $configs = $registry->toObject( );
             $formname = $configs->formname;
       $imver = "";
        $query = "
          SELECT *
              FROM #__chrono_contact
              WHERE name = '$formname'";
        $database->setQuery( $query );
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
        $registry = new JRegistry();
       $registry->loadINI( $rows[0]->paramsall );
       $paramsvalues = $registry->toObject( );
        if ( trim($paramsvalues->imagever) == 'Yes' ) {
            $imver = '<input name="chrono_verification" type="text" id="chrono_verification" value="">
                  <img src="'.JURI::Base()
       $htmlstring = $rows[0]->html;
       if( trim($paramsvalues->validate) == 'Yes'){
       // Easy Validation //
             preg_match_all('/name=("|\').*?("|\')/i', $htmlstring, $matches);
             $arr_required = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_required));
             $arr_validate_number = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_number));
             $arr_validate_digits = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_digits));
             $arr_validate_alpha = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_alpha));
             $arr_validate_alphanum = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_alphanum));
             $arr_validate_date = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_date));
             $arr_validate_email = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_email));
             $arr_validate_url = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_url));
             $arr_validate_date_au = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_date_au));
             $arr_validate_currency_dollar = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_currency_dollar));
             $arr_validate_selection = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_selection));
             $arr_validate_one_required = explode(",", str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->val_validate_one_required));
             $arr_all = array_merge($arr_required, $arr_validate_number, $arr_validate_digits, $arr_validate_alpha, $arr_validate_alphanum, $arr_validate_date, $arr_validate_email, $arr_validate_url, $arr_validate_date_au,
             $arr_validate_currency_dollar, $arr_validate_selection, $arr_validate_one_required);
             foreach ($matches[0] as $match)
                $new_match = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/i', '', $match);
                $new_match2 = preg_replace('/("|\')/', '', $new_match);
                $name = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/', '', $new_match2);
                $class_array = array();
                      $class_array[] = "required";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-number";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-digits";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-alpha";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-alphanum";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-date";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-email";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-url";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-date-au";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-currency-dollar";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-selection";
                      $class_array[] = "validate-one-required";
                   $class_string = implode(" ",$class_array);
                   $htmlstring = str_replace($match,$match.' class="'.$class_string.'"',$htmlstring);
          $rows[0]->html = $htmlstring;
       /// end validation //
        HTML_ChronoContact::showform( $rows , $imver);

    * Respond to a submitted form
    function uploadandmail()
        global $mainframe;
       $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
          // Block SPAM through the submit URL
          if ( empty($_POST) ) {
             echo "You are not allowed to access this URL directly, POST array is empty";

         * Retrieve form data from the database
        $formname = JRequest::getVar( 'chronoformname', '', 'get', 'string', '' );
        //$formname = $_GET['chronoformname'];
        $query     = "
          SELECT *
              FROM #__chrono_contact
              WHERE name='$formname'";
        $database->setQuery( $query );
        $rows = $database->loadObjectList();
       $registry = new JRegistry();
       $registry->loadINI( $rows[0]->titlesall );
       $titlesvalues = $registry->toObject( );
       $registry = new JRegistry();
       $registry->loadINI( $rows[0]->paramsall );
       $paramsvalues = $registry->toObject( );
        $error_found = false;
         * If imageversification is on check the code
        if ( trim($paramsvalues->imagever) == 'Yes' ) {
          /*if (session_name() != md5('chrono')){
          $session =& JFactory::getSession();
          $sessionvar = $session->get('chrono_verification', 'default', md5('chrono'));
          $chrono_verification = strtolower($_POST['chrono_verification']);
          if ( md5($chrono_verification ) != $sessionvar ) {
             showErrorMessage('Sorry, You have entered a wrong verification code, Please try again!!');
         * if $debug is true then ChronoForms will show diagnostic output
        $debug = $paramsvalues->debug;
        if ( $debug ) {
            echo "_POST: ";
            echo "<br />";

     * Upload attachments
	$attachments = array();
	if ( is_array($paramsvalues->uploadfields) ) {
		$paramsvalues->uploadfields = implode('|', $paramsvalues->uploadfields);
	} else {
		$paramsvalues->uploadfields = $paramsvalues->uploadfields;
	if ( trim($paramsvalues->uploads == 'Yes' ) && trim($paramsvalues->uploadfields) ) {
				JError::raiseWarning(100, 'Couldn\'t create upload directroy 1');
			if(!JFile::write(JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'uploads'.DS.$formname.DS.'index.html', 'NULL')){
				JError::raiseWarning(100, 'Couldn\'t create upload directroy 2');
		//$allowed_s1 = explode(",", trim($paramsvalues->uploadfields));
			if ( is_array($paramsvalues->uploadfields) ) {
				$allowed_s1 = implode('|', $paramsvalues->uploadfields);
			} else {
				$allowed_s1 = $paramsvalues->uploadfields;
			$allowed_s1 = explode(",", trim($allowed_s1));
		foreach ( $allowed_s1 as $allowed_1 ) {
			$allowed_s2      = explode(":", trim($allowed_1));
			$allowed_s3      = explode("|", trim($allowed_s2[1]));
			$allowed_s4      = explode("{", trim($allowed_s3[count($allowed_s3) - 1]));
			$allowed_s3[count($allowed_s3) - 1]	= $allowed_s4[0];
			$allowed_s5      = explode("-", str_replace('}', '', trim($allowed_s4[1])));
			$chronofile 	= JRequest::getVar( $allowed_s2[0], '', 'files', 'array' );
			$chronofile['name']	= JFile::makeSafe($chronofile['name']);
			$original_name   = $chronofile['tmp_name'];
			$filename        = date('YmdHis').'_'.preg_replace('`[^a-z0-9-_.]`i','',$chronofile['name']);
			$fileok          = true;
			$posted[$allowed_s2[0]] = ' NOFILE ';
			JRequest::setVar($allowed_s2[0], ' NOFILE ');
			if ( $original_name ) {
				if ( ($chronofile["size"] / 1024) > trim($allowed_s5[0]) ) {
					$fileok = false;
					$session->set("chrono_verification_msg", 'Sorry, Your uploaded file size exceeds the allowed limit.', md5('chrono'));
				if ( ($chronofile["size"] / 1024) < trim($allowed_s5[1]) ) {
					$fileok = false;
					$session->set("chrono_verification_msg", 'Sorry, Your uploaded file size is less than the allowed limit', md5('chrono'));
				$fn     = $chronofile['name'];
				$fext   = substr($fn, strrpos($fn, '.') + 1);
				if ( !in_array(strtolower($fext), $allowed_s3) ) {
					$fileok = false;
					$session->set("chrono_verification_msg", 'Sorry, Your uploaded file type is not allowed', md5('chrono'));
				if ( $fileok ) {					
					$uploadedfile = JFile::upload($original_name, JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'uploads'.DS.$formname.DS.$filename);//handle_uploaded_files($original_name, $filename);
					$posted[$allowed_s2[0]] = $filename;
					JRequest::setVar($allowed_s2[0], $filename);
					if ( $uploadedfile ) {
                        $attachments[$allowed_s2[0]] = JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'uploads'.DS.$formname.DS.$filename;
						if ( $debug ) {
							$mainframe->enqueueMessage($filename.' has been uploaded OK');
						if ( $debug ) {
							$mainframe->enqueueMessage($filename.' has NOT been uploaded!!');

       /* Do Onsubmit before_email plugins*/
       $ava_plugins = explode(",",$paramsvalues->plugins);
       $ava_plugins_order = explode(",",$paramsvalues->mplugins_order);
       //$ava_plugins_array = array();
       array_multisort($ava_plugins_order, $ava_plugins);
       foreach($ava_plugins as $ava_plugin){
          $query     = "SELECT * FROM #__chrono_contact_plugins WHERE form_id='".$rows[0]->id."' AND event='ONSUBMIT' AND name='".$ava_plugin."'";
          $database->setQuery( $query );
          $plugins = $database->loadObjectList();
             ${$ava_plugin} = new $ava_plugin();
             //$params = mosParseParams($plugins[0]->params);
             $registry3 = new JRegistry();
             $registry3->loadINI( $plugins[0]->params );
             $params = $registry3->toObject( );
             if($params->onsubmit == 'before_email'){
                ${$ava_plugin}->onsubmit( 'com_chronocontact', $params, $plugins[0] );

        * If there are no errors and e-mail is required then build and send it.
       if ( ($rows[0]->emailresults != 0) && !$error_found ) {
             * Clean the list of fields to be omitted from the results email
           if ( trim($paramsvalues->omittedfields ) != '' ) {
              $omittedlist = explode(",", $paramsvalues->omittedfields);
           $htmlstring = $rows[0]->html;
            * Find all the 'name's in the html-string and add to the $matches array
           preg_match_all('/name=("|\').*?("|\')/i', $htmlstring, $matches);
            * clean the matches array
           $names = array();
           foreach ( $matches[0] as $name ) {
               $name = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/i', '', $name);
               $name = preg_replace('/("|\')/', '', $name);
               $name = preg_replace('/name=("|\')/', '', $name);
               if ( strpos($name, '[]') ) {
                   $name = str_replace('[]', '', $name);
               $names[] = trim($name);
           $names = array_unique($names);
            * Associate field values with names and implode arrays
           $fields = array();
           foreach ( $names as $name ) {
               if ( is_array($_POST[$name])) {
                   $fields[$name] = implode(", ", $_POST[$name]);
               } else {
                   $fields[$name] = $_POST[$name];
            * Main E-mail type switch
            * Case 2: Use 'my template'
            * Case 3: Not in use
            * Case 1 & default: use field titles
           switch ($paramsvalues->email_type) {

               case 2:
                    * Use 'my template'
                   if ( $debug ) { echo "Case 2: Use template<br />"; }
                   $html_message = $rows[0]->emailtemplate;
                eval( "?>".$html_message );
                $html_message = ob_get_clean();
                   foreach ( $fields as $name => $post) {
                    $html_message = preg_replace("/\\{".$name."\\}/", $post, $html_message);

               case 3:
                    * Not in use

                    $htmlstring2  = preg_replace('/(<input.*name=)(")(.*?)(")(.*>)/', '$3', $htmlstring);
                    $html_message = preg_replace('/(<select.*?name=)(")(.*?)(")(.*?select>)/s',
                  '$3', $htmlstring2);
                   if ( $debug ) { echo "Case 3: Under development<br />"; }
                   $html_message = 'Still under development';


               case 1:
                    * Use Field Titles and table layout (default)
                   if ( $debug ) { echo "Case 1: Use table layout<br />"; }
                   $col_names = array();
                   if ( !is_array($omittedlist) ) {
                       $omittedlist = array();
                   $html_message = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%'>";
                    foreach ( $fields as $name => $post) {
                       if ( in_array($name, $omittedlist) ) {
                        * Substitute element titles for field names
                       if ( trim($titlesvalues->$name) ) {
                           $name = $titlesvalues->$name;
                       $html_message .= "<tr height='10'>
                          <td width='40%' class='tablecell1'>$name</td>
                          <td width='60%' class='tablecell2'>$post</td>
                   $html_message .= "</table>";
             * Add IP address if required
           if ( $paramsvalues->recip == "Yes" ) {
               $html_message .= "<br /><br />Submitted by ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            * Wrap page code around the html message body
           $html_message = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\">
                              <base href=\"JURI::base()/\" />
                              <style type=\"text/css\">
            * Run the On-submit 'pre e-mail' code if there is any
           if ( !empty($rows[0]->onsubmitcodeb4) ) {
             eval( "?>".$rows[0]->onsubmitcodeb4 );
       if ( ($rows[0]->emailresults != 0) && !$error_found ) {
           * The send e-mail switch
           * Case 1: 'Yes' standard (not in use)
           * Case 2: 'Yes' custom (default)
           switch ( $rows[0]->emailresults ) {
                * E-mail the results - 'Yes' standard
                * Not in use!
               case 1:
                   if ( $debug) { echo "E-mail: 'Yes' standard<br />"; }
                   $from        = $chronocontact_params->get('from_email');
                   $fromname    = $chronocontact_params->get('from_name');
                   $subject     = $chronocontact_params->get('subject');
                   $recipient[] = $chronocontact_params->get('primary_email');

               case 2:
                    * E-mail the results - 'Yes' custom
                   if ( $debug) { echo "E-mail: 'Yes' custom<br />"; }
                   $from      = $paramsvalues->from_email;
                   $fromname  = $paramsvalues->from_name;
                   $subject   = $rows[0]->emailsubject;
                   $recipient = str_replace(" ","",$rows[0]->extraemail);
                   $recipient = explode(",", $recipient);
                   $ccemails = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->ccemail);
                   $ccemails = explode(",", $ccemails);
                   $ccemails = NULL;
                   $bccemails = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->bccemail);
                   $bccemails = explode(",", $bccemails);
                   $bccemails = NULL;
                   $replyto_email = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->replyto_email);
                   $replyto_email = explode(",", $replyto_email);
                   $replyto_email = NULL;
                   $replyto_name = str_replace(" ","",$paramsvalues->replyto_name);
                   $replyto_name = explode(",", $replyto_name);
                   $replyto_name = NULL;
           //$replyto   = $chronocontact_params->get('replyto_email');
             * Substitute field values if they are set
           if ( trim($paramsvalues->subjectfield) != "" ) {
               $subject       = $_POST[$paramsvalues->subjectfield];
           if ( trim($paramsvalues->fromemailfield) != "" ) {
               $from          = $_POST[$paramsvalues->fromemailfield];
           if ( trim($paramsvalues->fromnamefield) != "" ) {
               $fromname      = $_POST[$paramsvalues->fromnamefield];
           if ( trim($paramsvalues->emailfield) != "" ) {
               $recipient[]   = $_POST[$paramsvalues->emailfield];
          if ( trim($paramsvalues->ccfield) != "" ) {
               $ccemails[]   = $_POST[$paramsvalues->ccfield];
          if ( trim($paramsvalues->bccfield) != "" ) {
               $bccemails[]   = $_POST[$paramsvalues->bccfield];
            * Send the email(s)
           $email_sent = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $html_message, true,
              $ccemails, $bccemails, $attachments, $replyto_email, $replyto_name );
          if ( $debug ) {
             if ($email_sent)echo "Email sent ";
             if (!$email_sent)echo "Email not sent ";
           // :: HACK :: insert debug
          if ( $debug ) {
              echo "<h4>E-mail message</h4>
                <div style='border:1px solid black; padding:6px;margin:6px;'>
              <p>From: $fromname [$from]<br />
              To:  ".implode($recipient,', ')."<br />
              Subject: $subject</p>
              $html_message<br /></div>";
          // :: end hack ::

       if ( !$error_found ) {
       /*************** check to see if order was specified, if not then use the default old one ************************/
          for($ixx = 1 ; $ixx <= 3; $ixx++){
             if($paramsvalues->plugins_order == $ixx){
                $ava_plugins = explode(",",$paramsvalues->plugins);
                $ava_plugins_order = explode(",",$paramsvalues->mplugins_order);
                //$ava_plugins_array = array();
                array_multisort($ava_plugins_order, $ava_plugins);
                foreach($ava_plugins as $ava_plugin){
                   $query     = "SELECT * FROM #__chrono_contact_plugins WHERE form_id='".$rows[0]->id."' AND event='ONSUBMIT' AND name='".$ava_plugin."'";
                   $database->setQuery( $query );
                   $plugins = $database->loadObjectList();
                      ${$ava_plugin} = new $ava_plugin();
                      $registry2 = new JRegistry();
                      $registry2->loadINI( $plugins[0]->params );
                      $params = $registry2->toObject( );
                      if($params->onsubmit != 'before_email'){
                         ${$ava_plugin}->onsubmit( 'com_chronocontact', $params , $plugins[0] );
              * Run the On-submit 'post e-mail' code if there is any
             if($paramsvalues->onsubmitcode_order == $ixx){
                if ( !empty($rows[0]->onsubmitcode) ) {
                   eval( "?>".$rows[0]->onsubmitcode );
              * Run the SQL query if there is one
             if($paramsvalues->autogenerated_order == $ixx){
                if ( !empty($rows[0]->autogenerated) ) {
                   eval( "?>".$rows[0]->autogenerated );
              * Redirect the page if requested
             if ( !empty($rows[0]->redirecturl) ) {
    * Handle uploaded files
    * @param unknown_type $uploadedfile
    * @param string $filename
    * @param string $limits
    * @param string $directory
    * @return unknown
    function handle_uploaded_files($uploadedfile, $filename, $limits = TRUE, $directory = FALSE)
        //global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_fileperms;
       //$fileperms = "0644";
        /*if ( strlen($mosConfig_fileperms) > 0 ) {
            $fileperms = octdec($mosConfig_fileperms);
        $uploaded_files = "";
        $upload_path = JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_chronocontact/upload/';
        if ( is_file($uploadedfile) ) {
            $targetfile = $upload_path.$filename;
            while ( file_exists($targetfile) ) {
                $targetfile = $upload_path.rand(1,1000).'_'.$filename;
            move_uploaded_file($uploadedfile, $targetfile);
            //if ( strlen($fileperms) > 0 ) {
            //    chmod($targetfile, $fileperms);
            $uploaded_files = $targetfile;
        return $uploaded_files;

    * Display JavaScript alert box as error message
    * @param string $message
    function showErrorMessage($message) {
        echo "<script> alert('$message'); </script>\n";
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 16 Oct, 2008
and you will need the new uploads formula :
E.g: file_2:jpg|doc|zip{222222-1},file_3:gz|zip{99999999-0}
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
contamine 16 Oct, 2008
Well, I uploaded the new code you sent and now a few new things are happening:

1) If a file is selected for upload the form brings up an empty white page upon hitting submit and no form data is sent at all (the file selected for upload does not end up in the upload folder either.

2) If I try to edit a form in Chronoforms I get the following error message (or similar) when I hit save: TableChronoContact::store failed - Unknown column 'dbclasses' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE jos_chrono_contact SET `name`='getlisted2',`html`='

3) If no file is selected for upload the form contents are sent as usual.

I don't see how the new uploads formula is different from what I was using, which is: upload:jpg|gif|png|bmp (where "upload" is the name of the file field in the form), not that I can change it with the current code installed...
contamine 16 Oct, 2008
Thank You for your patience!

I have solved the problem and it had nothing to do with chronoforms. It turns out the same issue that was blocking my attempts to restore forms was responsible for the upload problems.

I have reverted to the original chronocontact.php file and had to do extensive setting of permissions on many chronoforms folders in order to solve the problem. File uploads are now working properly.

If anyone can put me in context here a bit - shouldn't a default installation of Joomla not be crippled by the server requiring CHMOD values of 777 on MOST folders in order for various write/upload functions to work (and isn't that a security risk??)? If I just should-a known let me know. But if that is a whacky, or an otherwise unfriendly to Joomla scenario please let me know.

We must consider moving our site to a more Joomla-friendly server if this scenario is likely problematic. (It certainly just cost me a LOT of time)..
Max_admin 16 Oct, 2008
glad you fixed it!I think it may be different users ? try to install some extension through joomla then open your components folder and check the owner of the new extension folder, now try to upload some file with your FTP, is it the same owner for the new file ? ask your host admin for advice on this issue!

ASAP you should remove the 777 permissions from your files/folders or you are under a high threat for hacking!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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