
Form with chrono gives a big problem!!

Gencoman 15 Oct, 2008

I have made a form and a link to the form. I can see the lay out of the form but i doesn't function correctly!
I get the following errors:
"Notice: Undefined property: stdClass:: $plugins in C:\Documents and Settings\Genco\Bureaublad\UsbWebserver\Root\components\com_chronocontact\chronocontact.html.php on line 303"

After hitting on the button send i get the following errors:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass:: $plugins in C:\Documents and Settings\Genco\Bureaublad\UsbWebserver\Root\components\com_chronocontact\chronocontact.php on line 286

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass:: $mplugins_order in C:\Documents and Settings\Genco\Bureaublad\UsbWebserver\Root\components\com_chronocontact\chronocontact.php on line 287

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass:: $plugins in C:\Documents and Settings\Genco\Bureaublad\UsbWebserver\Root\components\com_chronocontact\chronocontact.php on line 507

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass:: $mplugins_order in C:\Documents and Settings\Genco\Bureaublad\UsbWebserver\Root\components\com_chronocontact\chronocontact.php on line 508"

Please can someone help me with this problem!

greetz Genco
GreyHead 15 Oct, 2008
Hi Gencoman,

These are PHP Warnings that something *might* be wrong even though nothing is.

Go to your site Global Configuration | Server panel and set Error Reporting to 'System Default' or 'None' and they will probably disappear.

Gencoman 15 Oct, 2008
Hi Bob,

I tried to do that but i still get the errors.
GreyHead 15 Oct, 2008
Hi Gencoman,

Ahhhh, if you have access you can try editing your php.ini file or talking to your ISP. Or failing that it's possible to clean up the code to get rid of the errors, but that's usually not the easiest route.

Gencoman 15 Oct, 2008

Hi Gencoman,

Ahhhh, if you have access you can try editing your php.ini file or talking to your ISP. Or failing that it's possible to clean up the code to get rid of the errors, but that's usually not the easiest route.


Hi Bob,

Joomla is running local. I work with a usbwebserver you know that? my php knowledge is really bad:( Is there some other way to fix this?
Max_admin 15 Oct, 2008

those files to overwrite at components/com_chronocontact/


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Gencoman 15 Oct, 2008
Hello admin,

I appreciate your help, but its still the same😟 .
Max_admin 15 Oct, 2008
just open the form in admin area and resave it, let me know!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Gencoman 15 Oct, 2008
the same!

some one told me to write "php_flag display_errors off" in .htaccess

i tried to do that but i dont know how to write it!
Max_admin 16 Oct, 2008
Hi Gencoman,

please send me a backup of your form here or in a PM and I will restore it and check the issues!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Gencoman 16 Oct, 2008
i solved this problem.

Display_error was on in the file php.ini, i set it to off.
Max_admin 16 Oct, 2008
Hi Gencoman,

I have just tested your backup on my local version and everything is fine, it didn't work for you because there is admin files should have been patched too, those fixes will be available on the new release!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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