
Save and Apply buttons not working

amit2403 09 Oct, 2008
I migrated a joomla site which had Chronoforms already installed in it to a new site. The forms worked properly in my old site as shown here:

Here are the links to the same forms in my new site:

The problem which I see is that the tooltiptext is not working and there is this message at the bottom:
"There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management"

But other than the above the major problem is that:
In the Form Management when I go in edit mode, nothing happens when I click the Save or Apply button at the top right side. The cancel button works properly.
In the form wizard, I cannot drag a new item (as Text box). Seems to me that something is missing but don't know what.

I even tried uninstalling and the re-installing the Chronoforms package but still the same error.
Please help me.

GreyHead 10 Oct, 2008
Hi Amit,

What versions of Joomla and ChronoForms were the two sites using?

You can't upgrade forms from CF v2.5 to CF v3.0 - they have to be rebuilt, which is usually not too difficult.

Max_admin 10 Oct, 2008
Hi amit,

when you reinstall V3.0 stable, all those problems stay ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
amit2403 10 Oct, 2008
I am using the same versions of Joomla and Chronoforms on both the sites. Haven't upgraded anything.

Also, when I reinstall Chronoforms stable 3.0, everything is proper except the not working save and apply buttons.

So, I cannot go ahead and save the forms to test them..and the as I said, the drag and drop for the email container does not work..😟

If you guys want, I will create temp. logins for my website to check from inside. Please help me out..

Max_admin 10 Oct, 2008
Hi Amit,

Ok, email me admin login and I will try to check it later today!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
amit2403 10 Oct, 2008
I have e-mailed and PM'ed you the ID and password. (sorry for sending them to both of your inbox's)

Hoping to see this issue resolved..

Max_admin 10 Oct, 2008
Hi Amit,

there is a JS error makes a problem, how did you install this new Joomla site ? try to copy this file from the old site :


and overwrite the same on on the new site! then reinstall Chronoforms, I hope this will fix it, let me know!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
amit2403 12 Oct, 2008
Hi Max..
I just did a copy over again..and it is working...thanks a lot for your help..

Max_admin 12 Oct, 2008
great, maybe there was some files errors the first time!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
PaidToWrap 26 Aug, 2010
I purchased a 3 site license and validated my license.
I installed and uninstalled and reinstalled a few times.
I also replaced my /mootools.js file.

When I try to modify a form using Wizard Edit, I can drag the text from the box on the right but it just stays TEXT and won't turn into a box, button etc. Plus the toolbox "properties" section doesn't do anything.

I'm running:

Everything is enabled but not sure how to make it work.

I'm also using Windows 7 PREMIUM
Tried this on IE as well as the new Firefox.

My website is:

Please help...
GreyHead 26 Aug, 2010
Hi paidtowrap,

I also replaced my /mootools.js file.

ChronoForms is written using the standard MooTools 1.1.2 version. It will not run with MooTools 1.2.

It may be possible to run the front-end with MooTools 1.2 but the Wizard and the back-end cannot easily be converted. There's a hack in the forums here to adapt the Joomla! plugin to upgrade the front-end only but I haven't yet seen a full port of the front-end of ChronoForms to use MooTools 1.2 (I have had it partially working though).

PaidToWrap 26 Aug, 2010
Thanks Bob!
Any idea how I fix this problem? I'm not sure how to use a hack or whatever...

Any advice would be awesome!
GreyHead 26 Aug, 2010
Hi PaidToWrap ,

Disable the MooTools upgrade plugin - that's the hack.

PaidToWrap 26 Aug, 2010
I think it worked! You are some kind of GENIUS!!!
melaman 09 Oct, 2010
thanks greyhead!!i had the same problem as paidtowrap.i tried what you said and it worked for me too!!thanks a lot!
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