
Joomla wysiwyg editor

klaatu 09 Oct, 2008
I'm using the TINYMCE in joomla 1.x but my editor does not show what I write. It's there, but hidden (as if the letters were white on white).

In the html mode, it shows up fine (or course embedded with code).

Any suggestions?

GreyHead 09 Oct, 2008
Hi klaatu,

You probably need to tweak your admin theme css a bit somewhere. Take a look at the css for the edit window and see where the color and background-color attributes are being set.

Max_admin 10 Oct, 2008

in joomla 1.0.x there was some css class to use in your website template which controls the editor text color (I guess your website template font color is white ?), I can't remember the class name now, I think it has "editor", you can find it in some templates css.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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