
Interesting issue with a long form

toby 08 Oct, 2008
I have a very simple but long form. The form consists of 11625 characters, 1758 words and is on 220 lines. I found that I was unable to copy and past the entire form in the Form Code / Form HTML section upon setup. Well, I was able to copy and paste the data. The issue was the form would not save. The address bar redirected to the following address: [noparse][/noparse]

If I broke down the code into multiple sections, saving after each addition, I was able to get the complete form saved. I have not tested yet to see if the form works but will shortly.
toby 08 Oct, 2008
The form submits the data. It's very sluggish, but it does work.
Max_admin 08 Oct, 2008
Hi Toby,

I think its your server script execution time limit was making a problem with teh long form but it should work just fine with any form!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
toby 09 Oct, 2008
Thanks Max. I'll look into that.
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