Hi Nick,
I see you have 7 comments and the module shows 7, whats the problem then ?
I see the credit link is not there too, are you a license owner ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Tnx for fast replay
Yes thay show up but not the last one's
....i have the license for chronoforms
Thank you for your interest and support for us, attached a licensed version of Chronoforms without the backlink, in the future you can order any new version of Chronoforms with license by just mentioning your details.
.....but i don't have one for this one... i like to try before by :wink: i hope thats not a problem
Hi Nick, Ok no problems, do you have the module setting ORDER as ASC or DESC ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
it was so simple 😶
No worries!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Sorry, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but my ChronoComments module (1.1) doesn't have and ORDER field. This is what I have under Module Parameters...
MODULE HEADER Here's what some people are saying:<br/>
MODULE BODY <strong>{name}: </strong><a href="index.php?option={component}&view=article&id={pageid}#commentID{id}">{text}...</a><br>
Module Class Suffix
I didn't see anything in the component parameters either and the plugin has no parameters. Did I miss something? I would mention that under the module's Details, the description states, "Description: DESCLATESTCOMMENTS" and that is what is in the module's XML file.
Hey Dayworks..
check the download section, I believe it is V1.2 that has the sorting built into the module..😀