
Latest comments don's show up

NickN 04 Oct, 2008
Hi there,

I have setup the module to show latest comments on my front page but module don't refresh. So i see only first 7 reactions. <=== see what i mean
Max_admin 04 Oct, 2008
Hi Nick,

I see you have 7 comments and the module shows 7, whats the problem then ?

I see the credit link is not there too, are you a license owner ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
NickN 04 Oct, 2008
Tnx for fast replay
Yes thay show up but not the last one's

....i have the license for chronoforms

Thank you for your interest and support for us, attached a licensed version of Chronoforms without the backlink, in the future you can order any new version of Chronoforms with license by just mentioning your details.

.....but i don't have one for this one... i like to try before by :wink: i hope thats not a problem
Max_admin 04 Oct, 2008
Hi Nick, Ok no problems, do you have the module setting ORDER as ASC or DESC ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
NickN 04 Oct, 2008
it was so simple 😶

Max_admin 04 Oct, 2008
No worries!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dayworks 09 Oct, 2008
Sorry, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but my ChronoComments module (1.1) doesn't have and ORDER field. This is what I have under Module Parameters...

MODULE HEADER Here's what some people are saying:<br/>
MODULE BODY <strong>{name}: </strong><a href="index.php?option={component}&view=article&id={pageid}#commentID{id}">{text}...</a><br>
Module Class Suffix

I didn't see anything in the component parameters either and the plugin has no parameters. Did I miss something? I would mention that under the module's Details, the description states, "Description: DESCLATESTCOMMENTS" and that is what is in the module's XML file.
revive 16 Oct, 2008
Hey Dayworks..

check the download section, I believe it is V1.2 that has the sorting built into the module..😀
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