
Can't receive emails

chumby 28 Sep, 2008
Hi there,

Just new to this...

Have verified that emails are being sent by php/joomla.

I have created a simple form and set Chronoforms debug on.

I receive the following confirmation message:

Welcome _POST: Array ( [feedback_name] => test [feedback_email] => [email][/email] [feedback_comments] => mytest [submit] => Submit )

Nothing appears in my inbox.

Any ideas?


Edited to remove email : greyhead
GreyHead 29 Sep, 2008
Hi chumby,

It looks as though you have debug ON. After the $_POST there should be a message saying 'Email sent' or 'Email not sent' and a dummy email. Can you show us what is there please?

chumby 29 Sep, 2008
Howdy... thanks for getting back to me.

No nothing else there... thats it.

See attached image...

GreyHead 29 Sep, 2008
Hi chumby,

Hmmm don't recall seeing that before. Please take a form backup and post it here or send it to me at the address in my sig and I'll take a closer look.

Max_admin 29 Sep, 2008
Hi Chumby, which Chronoforms version do you have installed ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chumby 29 Sep, 2008
Thanks Guys,

Version: 3.0 J1.5 BETA 2

Attached - backup form

Max_admin 30 Sep, 2008
Hi Chumby, please go to the downloads are, get V3.0 stable and read how you can upgrade, its easy to upgrade, but your version is BETA and we shouldn't try to fix it if the stable is already there!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
smusselm2 30 Sep, 2008
I am experiencing this same problem, but I'm on the 3.0 stable version. My site does email from articles. I did the debug thing... and I got this:

_POST: Array ( [text_9] => sarah [text_7] => musselman [text_8] => [email][/email] [text_10] => 260-555-7522 [text_6] => test8 [select_5] => Email [radio0] => Yes [undefined] => Submit [df5d9160e45015d7110c15516ee481d4] => 1 )

Thank you for your submission. Sarah Musselman will be in contact within the next 48 hours.

There is no email in my inbox.

I'm wondering if I set something up wrong.

In global configuration my settings are: SMTP Server, with SMTP Authentication set to Yes.
Under the General Tab "Email the Results?" is set to yes
Under the Setup Emails Tab I have the To, Subject, and Dynamic From Email fill out... the latter with {text_8}
Under the Setup Emails Tab and under Email Properties... the Enabled option is grayed out and I can read "no"
My Emails Template looks like this:

<p>Name: {text_9} {text_7}</p>
<p>Email: {text_8}</p>
<p>Phone: {text_10}</p>
<p>Comments: {text_6}</p>
<p>Please contact me via: {select_5}</p>
<p>I would like to schedule an appointment: {radio0}</p>
<p> </p>

I've uploaded the backup form.
Max_admin 30 Sep, 2008
Hi Sarah,

You need to add a "From name" to the email and then it will turn green, now you can set "enabled" to yes under the email properties, hit apply then save the form then you email should get sent!

full tutorial under the downloads area > chronoforms tutorials!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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