
integration Community Builder and ChronoForms

dagy 21 Sep, 2008
hello there,
im trying to use the chronoform as the registration form of community builder;, however i can not get it rigth.
i created the form with the wizard and the i try to utilize the cb plugin;;

if anyone knows:::
plz :
Max_admin 22 Sep, 2008

at the plugins tab inside the form edit page where you put the code...etc, enable the CB plugin, save the form and at the forms management page, check the form then click the "CB Registration" link on left side, configure this one and save and you should be ready!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dagy 22 Sep, 2008
Hi ya;
thx for the reponse;

however im kind of new in this stuff;; i dont know you could help me out ( i could give you and temporal admin pass) it is just for that little thing;; my email is [email][/email]::
thx a lot::
Max_admin 22 Sep, 2008
Hi dagy,

those are 1,2,3 steps, straightforward, just give it a try and you will find its very easy and helpful for you on the long run!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 23 Sep, 2008
Hi dagy, is this the V3.0 stable of Chronoforms ? at the CB config screen, can you add text_3 for the Name field too ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Max_admin 24 Sep, 2008
ok, is this V3.0 stable of CF ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
dagy 24 Sep, 2008
yes it is the V.3 stable:::

Max_admin 24 Sep, 2008
Ok no idea, send me admin login at PM and I will check it out quickly soon


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chriscaple 09 Dec, 2008
Did you ever fix this? I'm having the same problem...
Max_admin 09 Dec, 2008
Hi Chris,

tell me please, whats the problem you have exactly ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chriscaple 09 Dec, 2008
Hi Max,

Thanks for your reply. Actually I fixed it - I didn't have the "allow user registration" turned on in global configuration. My bad.

Except now although the form doesn't throw an error... the submitted information isn't being written to the database. Huh. But I think I saw another post addressing that issue - I'll see if I can find it and edify myself.

Thanks again for the prompt reply.
indra2004_id 22 Mar, 2009
Hi Max,

My problem is actually different from problem of the initiator of this thread, however the thread title fit into my problem.

I want to make a form, whose some fields parallel with the ones in CB member table.
If the person is logged in, then the parallel fields will show his data in CB table; If the person is not logged in, obviously he has to fill in the fields.

Let me make the illustration as below:
  • The form has fields like "name", "address", "city" and "request"
  • If the person is logged in, then the field "name", "address" and "city" is automatically filled with data taken from CB table.
    He/she will have to fill the field "request"t only.
  • If the person is not logged in, then all the fields will be shown empty, hence he/she has to fill all fields.
  • [/list]
    Is it possible?
    If it is possible, how to make it?

    Thanks in advance
    GreyHead 23 Mar, 2009
    Hi indra2004_id,

    The Profile Page Plugin is designed to let you do this.

    Initialise the plugin by telling it to use the CB user table and select the user id field in the second drop down. If you leave the parameter field blank it will automatically user the current user id to get the values.

    You can then use field names from the CB profile table in your form html with the {field_name} syntax.

    indra2004_id 23 Mar, 2009
    Hi GreyHead,

    Thanks a lot
    I'll try it and let you know the outcome.
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