So, I have a function that I brought over from BreezingForms when I switched over to ChronoForms8. It is a block of PHP which sends out a curl call to a geolocator service and creates map markers based on the addresses submitted in the form. I got everything to work correctly here, with one exception:
To label the new markers with a link back to the submitted record, I need to have the ID of the record on submission to be passed to the new markers. I tried using $this->data("id") to grab the ID in the PHP block on the Submit tab, but this seems to pull a NULL value. Looking at the debug, I think the submission ID is created after the code in the Submit tab executes.
So, I want to ask if I am understanding the order of code correctly here and if there is any way to get the pending ID during submission. If not, I will just add a database call to get the final record ID from the database and increment the number. I don't want to add this extra call if I don't have to, so if anyone knows a simple solution, that would help me greatly.
Thank you for your time!