I try to build form follow "How to build a dynamic dropdown in Chronoforms 8" FAQs but it's not work. Nothing happen to the target reload dropdown.
I try to build form follow "How to build a dynamic dropdown in Chronoforms 8" FAQs
did you setup the triggers and listener correctly ? did you set a different page group for the ajax page ?
I think I had setup form correctly both event trigger/listener and ajax page.could you check my form.
the code in PHP should end with "echo" not "return"
it's already written with "echo" in the tutorial:
when I restore your form and change "return" to echo and save the form works fine, I just need to change the country to get a different list of cities loaded
I have some questions. What are use cases of AJAX Call and Reload Action in Advance Listener?
Hi kittisak
Please start a new topic for this with more details in order to keep the questions better organized
Thank you!
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