What's I have missing in settings?
Calendar undefined NaN
Your HTML Attributes formatting is wrong, you should use "=" but not ":", so it should be:
So please try to fix this first OR remove HTML attributes completely OR remove the default value, does any of this fix the problem ?
Thank you Max!
By replacing the ":" symbol with the "=" symbol the calendar not work. I had to delete everything to see it work. Now I would like to reassign {date=Y-m-d$+ 3 days}. How do I do it?
so when you add everything one by one, what breaks it ?
With the "Default value" setting "{date=Y-m-d$+ 3 days}" the error "undefined NaN" is generated.
While if I assign the value in "HTML Attributes" the functionality simply doesn't respond (The calendar window does not open).
Sorry - Errata corrige....
I missing a "=" sign.
Regarding the "HTML Attributes" I corrected as indicated below, but the popup calendar still appears in English language.
The topic error "undefined NaN" is generated by the "Default value" variable.
your default value format does not match the "Stored format", it should match it:
{date=Y-m-d H:i:s$+ 3 days}
And you can now download the latest installer (download again, I have applied a fix) to get the data-months, data-days work, you can also supply data-units:
data-units={ "year": "Year", "month": "Month", "hour": "Hour", "minute": "Minute", "second": "Second" }
I downloaded the installer again and reinstalled CF8. I entered the values you indicated
Stored format = {date=Y-m-d H:i:s$+ 3 days}
but the popup calendar remains proposed with today's date and does not add the 3 days.
While the "HTML-Attributes" syntax you indicated ( use "=" but not ":",) works correctly in the different languages (on different modules I'm restoring):
to have a multi language form you will need to use:
then define months_list under locales:
While the default value correct format in v8 should be {date:Y-m-d H:i:s=+3 days}