
Page 2 load after submit

lollymaster 4d ago


i'm having a problem after one of the recent update, about the page2 load.

I have a form with 2 pages that i configured with page 1 as a search form with (two) filters and a table that shows a list of results without any filter and a submit button. on the submit area of the page 1 i put another table that catch the results of the query with filters.

On the page 2 i configured a form that allow me to show the details of the rows of the table of the submit area of page1.

All works fine until now, because when i press the search submit button , it seems that in addition to the results, it appears also the form of the page 2. Some weeks ago did not happen .

Can please someone help me?

Thanks a lot.


Max_admin 4d ago

Hi Lorenzo

I'm not sure how the update has affected your form, but the way to do this is:

  1. remove the page in page1-submit and add a "Reload Page" action, that will reload your page1 to show the same table again with the filters
  2. if you need to show the record in a different page then assign that page to a different "Page group" (under Options), and create a link to that page from the table in page 1

I will try to prepare a tutorial on how to do lists in v8 and post the link here later

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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