
Search Listing in v8

Admiral 19d ago

Hi Max,

IN v7 the "Text" View has "Search Listing" in the "Data" tab. For v8 how would we replicate this?



Admiral 13d ago

Hi Max,

Could you add "Search Listing" capability to the next update?



Max_admin 7d ago

Hi Admiral

How do you want the field to work exactly ?

You can use PHP code in the WHERE setting of your Read Data to add the search box value if its present

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Admiral 7d ago

Hi Max,

Ideally just like in v7 where it was a behavior in the advanced settings of text as it was really simple to implement:

Search is a pretty common thing so it was nice that it was a built-in behaviour but I would be open to a different search method but would appreciate a tutorial!



Max_admin 7d ago

the way to do it now is to use PHP in the WHERE setting of Read Data:

<?php if(!empty($this->data("field-name"))): ?>
AND column_name LIKE '%{data:field-name}%'
<?php endif; ?>

v7 did the same but at the background, you can also search multiple fields in the code above

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Admiral 7d ago

Ok, I will give it a try...



Admiral 7d ago

Perhaps you could add a FAQ giving a real example of the new method of adding a search button to a form, for those of us that are not quite experts on coding ;-)


Max_admin 2d ago

Hi Admiral

I added this feature to the new v8.0.29, I hope you will like it, no need to use the code

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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