addJsCode('setInterval(function(){jQuery.get("'.Url::current().'");}, '.((5 * 60 * 1000)).');');This is invoked from line 828 in ~/administrator/components/com_chronoforms7/chronoforms/helpers/parser2.php  function Parser2->section_finish() which calls: GApp3::document()->__('keepalive');I could not work out how to stop it doing this so commented out the above call which has stopped the unwanted reloads and does not appear to have broken anything I use.  Would appreciate advice on if this can be disabled by some configuration.Environment is:Chronoforms  v7.0.12Joomla v5.1.4PHP v 8.2.23"> Chronoforms Form is reloaded every 5 minutes - Forums


Chronoforms Form is reloaded every 5 minutes

CraigH 11d ago

I have found chronoforms 7 forms automatically reload the current form page every 5 minutes. This is having adverse effects on my forms which keep having the php scripts rerun. Normally users would complete a form within this period but sometimes they take their time.

I tracked this down to line 282 in "~/plugins/system/chronog3_plg/chronog3/libs/document.php" which adds some JS to the page:

	case 'keepalive':
		$this->addJsCode('setInterval(function(){jQuery.get("'.Url::current().'");}, '.((5 * 60 * 1000)).');');

This is invoked from line 828 in ~/administrator/components/com_chronoforms7/chronoforms/helpers/parser2.php  function Parser2->section_finish() which calls:


I could not work out how to stop it doing this so commented out the above call which has stopped the unwanted reloads and does not appear to have broken anything I use.  Would appreciate advice on if this can be disabled by some configuration.

Environment is:

Chronoforms  v7.0.12

Joomla v5.1.4

PHP v 8.2.23

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