
Calendar picker position bug

adam M 17 Jun, 2024

joomla5, CF8

I have problems with correct displaying date picker for calendar field. 

Sometimes it shows correct below calendar field...but sometimes it shows at the end of the page - so it is not visible until You scroll down the page. 

I'm afraid new users don't realize that it shows up at the end of the page and can not pick date.

I'm using chrome .. on mobile ,on chromebook and on win 10.

Is it a problem of rendering the page by the chrome ? Or is it a problem with styling the picker by CF js ?

You can check the problem at form page :

Max_admin 18 Jun, 2024

this is a bug in the calendar which happens when the "body" tag on your page has "position: relative", so if you remove this style it should work ok

But this should be fixed in the next update

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adam M 19 Jun, 2024

thanks for reply

I tried to add in HTML attributes of the calendar field something like this :

style=position: static; background-color: ivory somehow works - I can see the different colour of the calendar input, but the position of the date picker is still displayed randomly = sometimes in good position below calendar input area, sometimes (more often) at the end of the form :(

So I'm waiting for new version of CF 8  :)

Best for You

Gatsman 21 Jun, 2024

What if you add this in a CSS in your form

.offcanvas-init {position: static !important;}

Does it solve your issue?

Does it brake anything else in your page?

adam M 22 Jun, 2024

I added CSS field with that code, as the first on my form.

It works ! :)

Thanks. hope it solved the issue

Gatsman 22 Jun, 2024

Good to hear that :)

Max_admin 21 Oct, 2024

Could you please test this issue on the new 8.0.23 update and let me know how it works ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
skittle 21 Nov, 2024

I have tested this with version 8.0.28 and the issue still exists. I have also tried to resolve this with various CSS changes, including the ones in this thread, with no success. 

I have a CF8 form in an article with two date fields and a Submit button that is being used to filter other data in the same article. Everything works perfectly on the initial load of the article. Pressing Submit on my simple form works as expected and reloads the article with the data filtered correctly. However, after the form has been reloaded, any subsequent click on a date field will usually open the calendar popup somewhere offscreen. For now I have dropped back to CF7 to solve this issue.

By the way, CF8 is really good!


Max_admin 21 Nov, 2024

Hi skittle

maybe the reason of the offset in your case is different to the one reported here earlier, I will need to check the page to find out

ChronoForms developer...
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