
Closing tag </a>

mpele 17 Sep, 2008
I don't know what is happening because ChronoComment doen't close link tag "</a>" and whole next aricle is under comment link. Is it posible that nobody nodiced this - or I have done something wrong?
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008

this is with the component itself or the modulE ? do you have a screenshot or a link ? this never happened, there must be some HTML problem.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
mpele 17 Sep, 2008
It is plug-in.
I have changed /plugins/content/ChronoComments.php and now it works correctly. At the end of line 94 I have added

And is it possible to Read x Comments be before article-separator?
Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008
Good catch, thanks for the fix!🙂
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Marquez 23 Sep, 2008
Hi All

First of all, thanks for the nice comment tool! Everything works fine but I have the same problems as mpele! 😟
I'm sorry but I dont understand the explanation, could some give me clue how to fix the problem?
In which part of line 94 I hava to added the </a> tag?
Here my 94 line!
$language = '<a href="'.JRoute::_('index.php?option='.JRequest::getVar('option').'&id='.$row->id.'&view=article#comments').'">'.JText::_( 'READ N COMMENTS' );

Thanks and best regards
GreyHead 23 Sep, 2008
Hi Marquez,

Try this
$language = '<a href="'.JRoute::_('index.php?option='.JRequest::getVar('option').'&id='.$row->id.'&view=article#comments').'">'.JText::_( 'READ N COMMENTS' ).'</a>';

Marquez 23 Sep, 2008
Excellent!!! Thank you very much!! 😀
bowo 25 Sep, 2008
I had exactly the same problem when using IE, Safari, Chrome, but not with Firefox. Maybe that is the reason why so few people reported this problem.

I apllied the solution as described above (except for me the code was on line 187), and all went smoothly. The version of Chronocomments I use is the (free) one I downloaded and tested today.

This is a wonderful component, and help is very very accurate. So if I decide to use this component on my production site, I will certainly buy a license.

Keep up the good work !

Max_admin 25 Sep, 2008
Thanks bowo, I want to tell that the new release will come out very soon, if all went ok then this will be by the weekend, it will have fixes and of course many new features, so please hold on for this, you can continue translation, the new release will have few more translations to add though!


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ? 26 Sep, 2008
Thank you all.
At first i found the error,test and test.Then i changed the golbal configuration to show the article title and make title linkable.It was fixed. 8)
Of course,I add the </a> at last.
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