
using HTML_QuickForm/PHP5 and Smarty with ChronoForms

chocbiscuit 16 Sep, 2008
Hi all,

I'm using HTML_QuickForm/PHP5 and assigning the form to a Smarty template variable. Can I use my existing forms easily with ChronoForms? If so how exactly? I've just installed ChronoForms bit not sure exactly what I can do with my existing code. QuickForm can do client side and serverside validation as I understand it but I've only set it up to do serverside.

For an example of the form I want to use see:

Can anyone advise on this?


Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008
Hi chocbiscuit,

you can write your own code in Chronoforms to do server side validation, the same for javascript validation too and there is one built in.

let me know if this is what you need.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chocbiscuit 17 Sep, 2008
Hi Max,

Yes I want to write my own serverside validation, I've already written it just need to integrate it and I'm not sure how to.

Can you give me any suggestions? I could mail you over my code if you want to see exactly what I've done.

Cheers again.

Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008

in the validation tab the bottom area, check the example there on how to write a server side validation check.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chocbiscuit 17 Sep, 2008
Hi Max,

I'm using version 2.5 J1.5 RC3.1 of Chronoforms ........ I don't see anything there about serverside validation, just drop downs for mootools etc. Do I need to upgrade or install something else?

Thanks again,

Max_admin 17 Sep, 2008
Hi CB, yes, unfortunately this feature is available at V3.0 only, you need to upgrade, be careful that upgrading from V2 to V3 means redoing your forms, you will need to copy old code to new forms.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chocbiscuit 17 Sep, 2008
Hi Max,

No probs, thanks I'll upgrade. I'm just using the test form at the moment so won't matter if I lose anything.

Thanks again,

chocbiscuit 18 Sep, 2008

I've just uninstalled the previous version and installed V3.0 and got the following error when restoring the test form:

Restoring the whole form failed Failed, error : Unknown column 'extraemail' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO jos_chrono_contact (id,name,html,scriptcode,redirecturl,emailresults,extraemail,emailsubject,onsubmitcode,onsubmitcodeb4,attformtag,submiturl,emailtemplate,paramsall,titlesall,autogenerated,published) VALUES ('','test_form','Name:
','','','2','','ChronoForms test','','','','','','ccemail= bccemail= formmethod=post omittedfields= recip=Yes from_name=Admin replyto_name=Admin email_type=1 debug=1 mysql_type=1 enmambots=No emailfield= subjectfield= ccfield= bccfield= fromemailfield= fromnamefield= uploads=No uploadfields= uploadmax= uploadmin= dvfields= imagever=No validate=No val_required= val_validate_number= val_validate_digits= val_validate_alpha= val_validate_alphanum= val_validate_date= val_validate_email= val_validate_url= val_validate_date_au= val_validate_currency_dollar= val_validate_selection= val_validate_one_required=','','','0')

The form I used was just the test form with the security image on it. Can I just alter the table and add that column or is there another way?

Cheers again,

Max_admin 18 Sep, 2008
Hi CB,

unfortunately the test form is for V2 and not V3, you will need to create another form! this is so easy though, use the form wizard first then add an email and server side validation, or go ahead and use your own HTML from the old form instead of the wizard step.


ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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