joomla_user7->id;$groupData = [ 'id' => 0, 'title' => $newTitle, 'parent_id' => 2]; try { // Create a new instance of the GroupModel $groupModel = new GroupModel(); // Save the group to the database $groupModel->save($groupData); // Retrieve the ID of the newly created group $db = Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver'); $groupID = $db->getQuery(true); $groupID->select($db->quoteName('id')) ->from($db->quoteName('#__usergroups')) ->where($db->quoteName('title') . ' = ' . $db->quote($newTitle)); $db->setQuery($groupID); $data = $db->loadObject(); $newgroupID = $data->id; // Now $newGroupId holds the ID of the newly created group; // add new user to newly created group if (!UserHelper::addUserToGroup($newUserID, $newgroupID)) { return ; } return $newUserID; } catch (\Exception $e) { // Handle any exceptions that occur during the save operation // You can log the error or return a default value, depending on your application's requirements return null; }"> Getting an ID from newly created user - Forums


Getting an ID from newly created user

stwgroup 01 Apr, 2024
I am using the Joomla save user form.
I'm creating a new user and creating a new group using the account_name variable.
Under the submit tab, query the db to get the newgroupID. (Could not figure out how to use joomla to do it)
What I'm having trouble with is getting the id of the newly created user. Below is the code in the php9 block and the debug output.
All assistance with getting the userid and properly creating the group would be appreciated..

    [app_active_page] => 0
    [joomla_user7_activation_token] => 
    [joomla_user7_activation_url] =>
    [joomla_user7] => Array
            [name] => site1admin33333
            [username] => site1admin33333
            [email] =>
            [password] => $2y$10$bc1tn5hbjT1Pg4fDIl3J5e8C6nK3yBKpUn0zlyREyS4g0WxwID4Tq
            [block] => 0
            [activation] => 
            [registerDate] => 2024-04-01 13:12:22
            [params] => {}
            [id] => 375

    [php9] => NULL

use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
use Joomla\Component\Users\Administrator\Model\GroupModel;
use Joomla\CMS\User\UserHelper;

$cms = Factory::getApplication('site');

$newTitle = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->data("account_name", ""));
$newUserID = $this->joomla_user7->id;

$groupData = [
    'id' => 0, 
    'title' => $newTitle, 
    'parent_id' => 2

    try {
        // Create a new instance of the GroupModel
        $groupModel = new GroupModel();

        // Save the group to the database

        // Retrieve the ID of the newly created group
        $db = Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver');
		$groupID = $db->getQuery(true);
		->where($db->quoteName('title') . ' = ' . $db->quote($newTitle));
		$data = $db->loadObject();
        $newgroupID = $data->id;
        // Now $newGroupId holds the ID of the newly created group;
		// add new user to newly created group
		if (!UserHelper::addUserToGroup($newUserID, $newgroupID)) {
		return ;
        return $newUserID;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Handle any exceptions that occur during the save operation
        // You can log the error or return a default value, depending on your application's requirements
        return null;
Max_admin 02 Apr, 2024
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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