
Save data form

rastemserie670 10 Feb, 2024
Can someone make me a form to value a product on Phoca Cart.
I need a form to get product and change: price and date

The table is nfs8_phocacart_product_price_history
1 idPrimaria int(11) No Ninguna AUTO_INCREMENT
2 product_id int(11) No 0
3 bulk_id int(11) No 0
4 date datetime No Ninguna
5 price decimal(15,4) No 0.0000
6 price_original decimal(15,4) No 0.0000
7 current_price decimal(15,4) No 0.0000
8 current_price_original decimal(15,4) No 0.0000
9 type tinyint(1) No 0
10 ordering int(11) No 0
Max_admin 11 Feb, 2024
I do not know how phoca cart works, if you need to save some data to the database then you should use a "Save data" action
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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