
Spam over contact form

annette_s 06 Feb, 2024

I receive a lot of spam via the contact form, despite recapcha. Unfortunately, this has been the case since the form was installed. How can I stop all these spam requests over the form?

Thanks for your help.
Max_admin 06 Feb, 2024
what kind of spam ? humans can still pass the recaptcha, but if you are getting bot spam then maybe your recaptcha is not setup correctly

What happens when you submit the form with the reCaptcha unchecked ? does it return an error and block the form ?

You may add the Security Icon field to your form
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
annette_s 06 Feb, 2024
Hi Max

I get the following Spams:

If I submit the form without reCapcha then I get an error and it blocks the form.

How and where can I add the Security Icon field into my form?

Thanks for your help.
annette_s 06 Feb, 2024
I added the Security Icon field. Can you tell me where can I set the language of the icon options? Now it's like this: Bitte Bild auswählen von The Coffee, The Coffee should be in German.
Max_admin 07 Feb, 2024
the strings for Security icons are in the Chronoforms7 Settings page, you find the link at the top black bar in Chronoforms

if the reCaptcha blocks direct submits then its working and the spammers are just passing it manually, I think some online websites also noted that reCaptcha can be solved by new smart bots
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
annette_s 07 Feb, 2024
Thanks for your help, everything is perfect now.
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