
Displaying form completion results does not work ChronoForms 6

alenanaumovan197970 14 Dec, 2023
Good afternoon

Displaying form completion results does not work.
The forms work themselves. The results are saved to the database. You can view them through the database.
But displaying a list of results of completed form data does not work. Neither the old results nor the new ones work.
A simple page with a white background opens. How can this situation be corrected?

All this happened after we changed our hosting plan. I had to move to another server within the hosting, and this error was discovered.
The question concerns ChronoForms 6.
Max_admin 19 Dec, 2023
you mean displaying results list saved in the database ? this is in the admin area ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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