
Create a registration form with ChronoForms

zingdad613 13 Nov, 2023

I am creating a new Joomla5 website.

I want to be able to ask a number of questions of people who are newly registering on my website.

I'm not a professional web developer. I'm doing my own site. I have limited coding skills.
Is it fairly simple to have a ChronoForms form replace the default "User - Profile" plugin? If so, how?
Or if there is a better way to achieve this goal please do tell me!

Thank you!
Max_admin 14 Nov, 2023
you can create a form to save the user account, but to make joomla use this form as the default joomla registration form requires some kind of redirect, can be done by a system plugin or a redirect extension
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rbock 15 Nov, 2023
Max, is it correct that the password is stored in plain text in the session?
Max_admin 15 Nov, 2023
all fields values are stored in the session until the form is "finished" (reaches the last page submit)

if you do not like this then I can try to add a new setting to skip a field from getting stored in the session
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
rbock 16 Nov, 2023
At the moment I'm trying to clear the session after logging in!

However, I don't feel comfortable with the password being in plain text in the session.
Max_admin 17 Nov, 2023
try to add a PHP action AFTER the "Save user" action and reset the field data in the data array:
$this->data["password_field_name"] = "";
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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