
repeatable area

StefaNovak 11 Nov, 2023
I stopped deleting the descendant of a repeatable area. The deletion doesn't work or works only sometimes.

I did a test on pure joomla 4.4.0
chronoforms I have the latest version

I can't trace the exact instructions is there any working demo?

I am attaching my test form just in case
Max_admin 11 Nov, 2023
did you update to 7.0.12 ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
StefaNovak 12 Nov, 2023
yes, it doesn't work even in version 7.0.12

php is 8.1.25

joomla 4.4.0
Max_admin 12 Nov, 2023
any js errors on the page ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
StefaNovak 12 Nov, 2023
not really, and I tried it on two different joomla installations
if you can, send me some form where it works for you so I can rule out a configuration error.

It used to work, and after a long time I noticed that it stopped working.
The only thing that happened in the meantime that was more important was an upgrade of joomla

try in
StefaNovak 13 Nov, 2023
I don't know, but it stopped working for me on 7.0.8 and after updating ma 7.0.12 it still didn't work. For me it stopped working probably after updating to joomla 4.4.0
CraigH 13 Nov, 2023
I think you will find if you roll back to CF 7.0.10 it will start working again, (or make the edit to the php file mentioned on the linked report). It did for me but, as mentioned in the report, it breaks the ability to show/hide repeater areas.

I am waiting for either a fix to CF7 or for repeater groups to be supported in CF8 before I implement a form that need repeater areas that I can both show/hide and delete.
StefaNovak 13 Nov, 2023
I don't have an installation of version 7.0.10, so I can't test it
StefaNovak 13 Nov, 2023
but you're right, I found version 7.0.9 and it works. Do you know where I can download version 7.0.10?
CraigH 13 Nov, 2023
I expect Max will have an archive of old versions and he is best placed to advise on the best way for you to proceed. But, but my understanding is that if you are planning to update to Joomla!5 I think you need CF 7.0.12+.

The simple commenting out of line 443 on file /plugins/system/chronog3_plg/chronog3/assets/js/g3.boot.js that I mentioned in the report link makes the delete clone action button work on CF 7.0.12, but I don't know if that breaks anything other than the ability to show/hide form sections within repeat areas.
StefaNovak 13 Nov, 2023
I don't plan to switch to joomla 5 in the near future, I also prefer to wait for a patched version
StefaNovak 29 Nov, 2023
Now it stopped working in this version too and the delete button no longer works. I have been paying for Cronoforms for a long time and I would also like to receive some support if there is an error in the program
Max_admin 30 Nov, 2023
Hi StefaNovak

v7.0.10 is available for download on the Chronoforms7 downloads page, please install it and let me know how it works
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
StefaNovak 01 Dec, 2023
after reinstalling chronoform 7.0.10 it started working again. But this version is listed for joomla 3 and I'm running on joomla 4. Is this ok?
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