
On form submission TCPDF says it can't find an image file even though it is in the folder with the correct permissions.

chad51 11 Nov, 2023
We have a Chronoforms 5 form that has worked for years. We have been keeping Joomla and PHP upgraded around it all that time and aside from not being able to go up to PHP8 we have not had any problems. Today a visitor notified us that when submitting the form they are getting back the error from TCPDF where an image file is not being found. The file is there, and with the correct permissions, and can be visited directly from the web if I type in the direct URL to it.

In Joomla's extension manager it says that Chronoforms is at current version 5.0.17 and Chronoconnectivity at 5.0.6, but TCPDF is at v2.5.0 from Jan 2011 by Nicola Asuni. Is there a more recent version of TCPDF that I should be using with this?
Max_admin 11 Nov, 2023
if the file and form did not change then something else caused this issue

it's not possible to debug v5 issues now unfortunately
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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